Halfway though ad stuff


These are all  draft advertisements I’ve made for our advertisement project. Three are for MEC, one is for my peers to come to my treehouse, and one is advocating earthquake safety. My favourite is the treehouse one, but I like all of them.

Every couple of days we get together and critique each others ads and then change the ad based on how we were critiqued. I really like this way of marking each other because, honestly,  its usually a lot easier to understand what people mean when they give us feedback.

After we  get our feedback, we take a picture of it.



Making the ads is sometimes hard and sometimes easy. The hardest part is getting or editing some photos, such as the photos in the MEC ads, or geting the white background on the photos in my treehouse ad. For combining the photos into one ad, I used a photo creation app called “Canva“. The only bad part about Canva is that it will sometimes crash and make me login again.

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