How Loon Lake Changed my Life

Hey everyone, it’s me again.

For this blog post, I’ll be talking about my experiences at Loon Lake, which is a UBC testing forest in maple wood B.C.

You’re probably thinking, “PaRkEr YoU aLrEaDy WeNt On A fIeLd StUdY tHiS yEaR”

And to that I say, “yeah”

We had another one, because of course we did.

So anyways, lets actually get talking about this second field trip

Let’s talk about the focus of the field study, leadership and teamwork. We did a lot of things, from sessions with the person that runs the camps plp does, named johno, where we talked about these concepts, and how to improve on them.

We also put our theory into practice, by doing things with other members of the program (called “pinnacle pursuits” by the way”) on things like ropes courses and trust falls.

Near the end, we did some more work on how we were going to keep these skills in mind, and improve on them after loon lake, which we reduced down into a sort of goal or idea to improve on. Mine was about my emotional intelligence, and how I would increase it by expanding my vocabulary to find words that properly describe my current emotions.

Thanks as always for reading, have a good rest of your whatever time of day it is.


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