The Trial(s) of Louis Riel

Hi everyone it’s me again, your probably not but maybe favourite PLP learner. I’m here today to talk about the Riel deal, Louis Riel. haha you probably heard that before if you read Finn’s blog, but I didn’t plagiarize it, there was just some parallel thinking (which is a really interesting concept look it up.)

This project, as you may have guessed, is about Louis Riel, famous and important Canadian politician who I totally knew existed before this project. There were two goals with this project, the primary one being talking about the portrayals of Riel, which I’ll reflect on soon, and the secondary goal was for us to get better at writing, which I will reflect on later.

Okay, it’s soon now. I’m going to start how Ms. Willemse does, with the end. The final product of Let’s Get Riel (the project that this post is about) is a multi-paragraph composition, put simply, a 3 paragraph essay. You can read it here. During this project, my writing definitely got a lot better. I would show you one of my drafts, but I don’t have any.

I’m really happy with my final product, and this was a satisfying and well rounded way to end the semester. Although I definitely could’ve done a better job of including more analysis of the portrayal because it took a few revision cycles for me to get an acceptable amount of reflection on Riel and his portrayals throughout time, which is what this project is about. That being said, I didn’t have that much feedback, which I’m taking as a good thing.

Guess what time it is!

If you guessed the actual time of date, you may be a robot. Go take the Turing test. Yes that was directed at you Wendel Gerhard.

Side tangent aside, it’s later, so we’re talking about the other part of the project now, getting better at writing. Even though it was the other half of the project, I definitely think it was slightly less focused on, which is fair, because the other part of the project is directly related to the driving question.

As expected, my writing definitely improved, mainly in the form of paragraph structure, which is something I’ve never really understood (thanks Mr. Harris). The thing that made it easy for me was using an exemplar (a really good example) to show the makeup of a paragraph, and how they should work together.

So all in all, really well rounded and helpful project, and good final result.

Thanks for reading!

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