TPoL ‘24!

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.


It’s me again

Hopefully just once this time

I have a lot to say, and not a lot of time, so let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this.

As I mentioned in my most recent MPoL, there’s gonna be a quote with every PoL, so to stick with that, the quote of the PoL is

“Are things better or worse the second time around?”

-Morgan Freeman, on MetroBoomin and 21savage’s “Runnin”

(Must be read as Morgan Freeman, or best impression of, otherwise you’re boring)

To do as we did last time and put this quote into my own words, let’s talk about what I think Morgan means by this.
(If you want to see why I’m using quotes, check out this post)

In the context of the song, he’s talking about how it might seem better to do everything over, but doing something painful, like being shot, would be worse, for rather obvious reasons.

But that doesn’t really matter, does it, because I’m not in said song, so let’s break down what it means to me.

As you may or may not know, I’m on a bit of a streak with my PoLs, and not a good one. For the past two PoLs, I’ve been told that I need to or should redo them (in hindsight, it’d be really funny if I had to redo this one) so to me, this quote is all about how getting a second chance isn’t always positive, and can be really stressful when someone needs the second chance to pay off. To rewrite this quote into my own words, it would be something along the lines of 

“Is a second chance always positive?”

-me, just now.

Okay, so we know what this quote means, and what it means to me, let’s talk about why there won’t be a second time around, with this TPoL, and grade 9.

In my last MPoL, I talked about what goals I had for myself, and the most important one was consistency, not just with school, but with my schedule, and myself. Let’s talk about that school part first, because, that’s the main reason we’re here. The main goal I had with myself was to set more time aside for schoolwork, specifically about 30 minutes to an hour directly after school. To be brutally honest with you, and myself, I’ve been really inconsistent with this. I could say that I had band, or rugby, or football, or basketball, or a mixture of all of them, but there’s a certain point where I just need to persevere, and do what I say I will. This is one of those times. Something I have gotten better with, is getting outside and working on myself physically. Which I did through the multiple sports that I mentioned earlier, specifically rugby. 

Next up in reflection, we have the success behaviours chart. For agency I selected seeking help, and for the two miscellaneous behaviours, I selected at school from preparation, and enthusiasm from engagement. Let’s start with seeking help. From seeking help, I selected consistently, because as of late, I’ve started consistently asking for critique from parents and peers. If you’ve read my earlier posts, you might remember that I struggled with asking for help, but, since then, I’ve improved a lot. A specific example of this is during the drawing of the comic book for WWI CON, I asked lao on what I should do to create effects that I wanted, such as making the explosions look less cartoonish. 

Success Behaviours Self-Assessment

Next, from at school preparation, I selected consistently. The reason I selected this relatively minor behaviour is  because how minor it seems. This success behaviour, being consistent with it by doing things by charging my iPad nightly, keeping track of my things cough cough kennedy cough cough and being on time to class has lead to me being able to always take advantage of in class time, which impacts many other success behaviours. 

Finally, from enthusiasm in engagement. I picked this behaviour because it’s one of the biggest things I can work on for next year. This topic is related to adversity for me, because it’s really difficult to fake enthusiasm day in and day out. A specific example of a time where my enthusiasm was lacking was yesterday, as of writing this on the 18th. What happened was Mr. Hughes had 3 questions for us, related to the exhibition, and we had 5 minutes to discuss. During this time, my group only had very slight conversation, for about maybe a minute. If I had more enthusiasm, even faked, the discussion could’ve been much more fruitful.

So, to summarize the reflection section, second chances are stressful, I’ve been inconsistent with consistency, I learnt how to ask for help, I’m prepared for everything, but I should get better at pretending to care.

Now that I’ve reflected, it’s finally time for me to start projecting.

I’m ready for grade 10. I’m ready for real school. I’m ready for school that matters. So let me tell you why. This year has gone by quick. So quick, in fact, I didn’t include the grade 9 field study in my MPoL because I thought it happened in grade 8. But not quite quick enough to forget all the ups and ups (you thought I was gonna say downs huh) of the year. Besides my MPoL, this year was quite the success for me personally. I got rid of the barcode bangs, (big forehead allegations incoming) I placed 3rd in provincials with my team in D.I., I made 8 videos, which all didn’t go terribly. Winter exhibition was fun, especially with the added interaction of the metaphor machines, spring exhibition just happened, and I got my comic book on time, and it almost looked like something you could discern as people on paper! To top it all off, I even got a math award. So with that, we’re at the final boss, the TPoL, which as far as I’m concerned, is at this point a 7 minute presentation on how great of a student I am. Or is it? Cue threatening music… yes, yes it is.

So, a year in summary, (weird to say) I’ve had a good year, except for my MPoL, which unlike this TPoL, went for a round two, second time in a row, and grade 10 will be different (except for that MPoL thing I don’t know if I mentioned that one enough yet)

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