You Wanna be a What When You Grow Up? Winter Exhibition

Hey guys, me again, with a bit more to talk about than usual. This blog will be the start of me trying to be more professional and smarter with my blog. I’ve found that how I’ve been writing previously has not been portraying myself how I want to.

This was spurred on by our most recent project in PGP, based on our professional goals, and more specifically, how we can achieve them. The driving question is “How might I present my passions, strengths, and learning to the world?” And so, seeing as I’m done the project and didn’t fail, my answer to that question is that with preparation and focus, we can present anything we’ve ever dreamed of through the thoughtful use of different techniques such as body language, being concise, and knowing how to connect with people.

The goal of this project was to set us up for success in our post-secondary careers, so we worked quite a bit on soft skills through things like interviews and topical conversation with other students. These were very interesting, the interviews especially, as I haven’t been in many face to face interviews. We had a meeting with Curt Scheewe, who’s a local consultant and he taught us how to connect with people, and to notice how they reacted to questions. He also helped us generalize the field of job we wanted to work in. As someone with a lot of interests, and many potential career paths, it was interesting to hear him describe different careers I was interested in. For those of you who are interested in my potential careers, they consist of but are not limited to: architecture, aeronautical engineering (designing planes), interior design, fashion design, photography, law, mechanical engineering, tailor, and politician. Some of these careers are more achievable, and some of them interest me more than others, but they are my top picks. 

Another interesting thing we did related to this project was the winter exhibition. Like every exhibition, it wasn’t like any other before it. This year, it was in the style of a career fair, with each grade 10 student getting their own table to market themselves to family and friends. I included things like my baritone saxophone, my sewing machine, my rugby ball, and some photos I took. I also displayed my blog alongside a resume and business cards made specifically for the winter exhibition, using some techniques Mr. May taught us, like chunking information into groups of 7. Another extra thing I did, was unify my identity physically, by making my blog, resume, and business cards a consistent design. If you’re curious, you can check them out here and here.

Thanks for reading, and have a good rest of your day.

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