Hi everyone,
On December 19th 2019 we hosted the PLP exhibition. This exhibition was Star Wars themed. PLP 8 did two main projects. Mazer Tag in scimatics and, Star Wars a Mini Blue sky. In this blog post I will be talking about the latter.
In this project we had to make our own how might we question related to Star Wars, and then come up with a solution to it. The driving question for this project was How might I design and build an answer to my own inquiry? My How might we question was “How might we take ideas from Star Wars planets on how to Adapt to are changing ecosystems?”
During this project we used a system called the LAUNCH cycle. It had 7 stages L, A, U, N, C, H and, launch to an audience. During these seven stages I kept a journal in an app called explain everything. We also did separate tasks for each Milestone. Hear is a video of my explain everything.
I found certain phases of the LAUNCH cycle harder than others. The stages I found the easiest were the L phase and the A phase. I think the reasons I found these phases so easy was because I already knew a lot about Star Wars. Looking, listening and learning wasn’t that hard nor was asking tons of questions. The phases I found the hardest were N and C because I had troubles narrowing down my idea and I got behind on building my prototype.
We were assessed on 7 competencies for this project. I will talk about the ones which I think I did well on and the ones which I had some troubles with. One of the competencies I feel I did well on was “What Questions Are You Asking and Answering to Complete Your Inquiry?” I asked a lot of questions and I also asked questions relevant to my project. Another one I feel I did well on was, “What Research Needs to Be Done to Complete Your Inquiry?” I knew what research I had to do and did it effectively. One of the competencies I had more troubles with was, How Are You Applying Your Knowledge to Solutions? I had troubles with this one as I found it difficult to apply the knowledge I researched to my solution.
The last thing we did for this project was set up our planet room on exhibition day. We were each assigned to a planet. We had to transform a room into that planet. I was on Endor. The coolest things we had on Endor were the Great Tree and the Ewok Hut.
The final thing I built was a model of a Modern Ewok Hut. I built my hut out of Cardboard, Hot Glue and, Styrofoam. I used spray paint to paint it and moss and cedar bows to decorate it. This model was quite the challenge to build as I got a little behind on it. It took me around 10 hours to design and build.
The other part of this project was setting up and presenting at the exhibition. So as mentioned, we presented this project at the exhibition. This took a lot of set up. We each got put into rooms with other grade 8’s and nines. Each room had a Star Wars planet theme. The planets were, Hoth, Endor, Tatooine, and the Death Star. The 2 weeks before the exhibiton involved a lot of planning, and making. I was on the planet Endor.
In our rooms there was a few requirements. The first was that it had to look like the planet. I was on Endor which is a forest planet so we had to make it green and forestry. The second requirement was there was food, the food had to be somehow related to your planet. We had berries (candy berries), Yoda Soda (Mountain Dew), and we also had ewok jerky (beef jerky). The third requirement was that there was an activity, we had pin the tail on the Ewok. The final requirement was, we had to dress up, I was a rebel soldier from Endor.