Blowing Up Schools

Schools, a place of “learning” and “growth”. Yet most students just go through school, maybe trying to get good grades. They graduate and have no real idea as to what they want to do in the future, burnt out from school, and lack career skills. So in typical PLP fashion we did a project about “blowing up the school system.” Don’t worry our projects didn’t involve violence. 

While many of my classmates did fantastic projects about how we could overhaul the school system for everyone, I decided to focus on how we could offer students opportunities to help them develop career skills for one of the largest industries in BC, outdoor tourism, natural resource management and conservation. These industries employ around 10% of the population within in BC and are all growing considerably. Yet the skills, and connection necessary to success in these industries aren’t promoted at all within NVSD. A school district sitting between the ocean and the north shore mountains. 

A view of the North Shore Mountains a mere 20 minutes from my school

So I proposed we introduced an out of timetable elective block to senior students across NVSD. You can read more about it here.

I was inspired to create this program when talking to my cousin over the may long weekend. He was telling me about the outdoor ed program he was taking at his school (Howe Sound Secondary). He had received important training, gone on incredible trips, and and gained valuable connections with outdoor companies all across BC. 

The mountains of the Callaghan Valley, one of the places my cousins outdoor ed program went camping

So I put out a survey on my instagram asking people to tell me about their experience in outdoor Ed, and how it is influencing/influenced them and their career. I got many responses telling me about how important the connections they made during outdoor ed were. As well as, how it influenced their involvement in conservation movements. This made it even more clear to me that NVSD needs an outdoor Ed program to develop engaged and informed citizens in relation to conservation and sustainability. We need to help develop the future leaders in conservation, natural resource management, and ecotourism. 

I proposed the program to offer outdoor safety programs. These help students learn skills necessary to staying safe outdoors. In addition to being important stepping stones to many careers in the aforementioned industries. I also proposed a number of trips doing various activities, these would help students explore a variety of skills, as well as learn about various environments across BC. Finally I proposed the program to have career development and connections incorporated. This would mean meeting with local ecotourism providers, natural resource management companies, and conservation agencies and learning about potential careers in these industries. 

This project really helped reignite my passion and involvement in our schools. I think that by discussing how we can change schools to create more educated and informed citizens. We all became more educated and informed citizens ourselves. 

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