Why We Need To Change Canadian Elections, Now!

Hi everyone,

With the Canadian Election Coming to a close I have been reflecting on the results. After two weeks of learning about how the Canadian government is structured and how the election process works I have some interesting ideas. These ideas have helped me better understand the democratic process in Canada. The sources I used to research statistics about proportional representation voting were fairvote and Ace Project.

My main idea is why Canada should abolish the current first past the post voting system. In order to understand why we need to change the Canadian Election System we first to understand how it works. Canada is both a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. This means that Canada elects our leaders but the Queen is our head of state. Instead of the leader who got the most votes winning the election. The leader who’s party wins the most ridings gets to lead Canada. Ridings are smaller sections of Canada. In each of these ridings we elect one MP (Member of Parliament) to the house of commons.

The 2019 election map

I believe Canada should abolish this system as it doesn’t always represent what the majority of the country wants. Canadas current system simply doesn’t respect the popular vote. I never quite realized how significant this was until I looked at this years election results. The Conservative Party won the popular vote but the liberals won 32 more seats. This seems insane to me. The Conservatives got over 200,000 more votes then the Liberals. That’s a similar population to the Kelowna metro area! This clearly shows that Canadians as a whole favoured the conservatives while certain areas, where their votes have more influence preferred the liberals. I don’t think this represents Canadas fundamental freedoms. Particularly free and fair elections and equality rights. No one person’s vote should carry more power then another’s vote. Our current elections are not completely fair. The other way this system is exploited is how parties focus on swing ridings. Swing ridings are ridings where the vote is very close between parties. Therefore parties focus more energy campaigning there in order to gain more support. Riding which are safe seats, this means that they typically elect the same party, get less focus during campaigns. This leads to these areas being under represented. Check out more information on swing ridings in Canada here.

Although it says BC on this chart Canada’s federal election tell a similar story.

This Graph came from fairvote

If you’re wondering whether ditching this system works, it does! Many developed nations have moved onto this system and experienced many benefits. Countries which no longer use the first past the post system have 7% higher voter turnout. It also much more likely that an individual helps elect a representative. In Sweden 95% of voters help elect a representative, while in Canada just over 50% get this privilege. Abandoning this system will also force parties to collaborate with each other and pool there resources. This leads to more decisions reflecting the overall opinions of the country. 

Changing the system would have so many benefits. Not only would elections be more fair, voters would be more encouraged to go out and vote. Particularly in ridings which normally vote the same party in to office. If a party gets 30% of the votes, they get to make 30% of the decisions in government. This would force parties to work together and it would help lead to better representations for all Canadians of different socio-economic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.

I first started questioning this systems when I was looking at the student vote results. I thought the NDP had won as they had the most votes. Then one of my classmates pointed out to me that the liberals won. This shocked me as both the conservatives and NDP had more votes then them. It wasn’t a small difference, the Conservatives had 10,000 more votes then the liberals and the NDP had 35000 more votes. That is a significant difference. The student vote only involved around 800,000 students.

Student Vote Results

One of my biggest issues with our current system is how we use the first past the post vote. This simply means that only one candidate can win in each riding. It doesn’t matter how many votes the other candidates have. This leads to voter inequality. Ridings are not organized based on collective interest. In many ridings, such as my own (Burnaby-North Seymour) there is very different interests among separate areas of the riding. Burnaby and Seymour’s respective populations are quite different socio-economically. If two candidates both get a large number of votes they should be able to represent us together. I think that this would lead to more even representation.

A good example of a riding where two candidates were both popular is in the West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast and Sea to Sky Country Riding. Liberal Candidate Patrick Weiler had 19,424 votes or 33.6% of the vote. While Conservative Candidate John Weston had 17,247 votes or 30.2% of the vote. That’s a tiny difference and it is clear they are both fit to represent their people. Check out the results across different ridings in canada here.

Of course switching electoral systems would require a lot of work but I think it would make Canada a better place. Certain peoples votes shouldn’t carry more weight then others just because they live in different places. Canada needs to change electoral systems now to better represent the people living here.

The Moments and People of the War

Hello everyone,

It’s been awhile since my last post. No I’m not done with the blog, I have just been taking other classes. The last month has been filled with lots of learning and work. We have been studying WWI and an artifact and telling the story of these with the personal story of a soldier. 

Making the final video involved a lot of time, hard work and revisions. We began with being introduced to the project and our artifacts. My artifact was the Canadian War Photos. The creation of any video has to begin with information and ideas. How do you obtain these? Through research, we used the Canadian war archives to find soldiers to add to our videos. We also took deeper dives into are artifacts. One particular activity which helped me was a video call with a curator from the Canadian War Museum named Jocelyn. After researching you must gather media such as photos, videos and audio. All photos and videos of WWI are copyright free so that was very helpful. After this we have to began creating our first draft. For me this was inputting some general photo and video clips over my first draft of my script. Finally we move into revisions. I found these very helpful as it gave me time to see what I could improve in my videos. Through both peer and teacher feedback. 

My Artifact a Canadian War Photo

If you’ve watched my videos you already know about my artifact. Some key facts are that it was sent to seycove by the Canadian War Museum. It was one of 8,000 taken by professional photographers during the War. The most useful resource for learning about these was our call with Jocelyn the War Museum curator. I learned more about how the photos were acquired, as well as how they were used during the war.

If you haven’t watched my video by this point in the post I would strongly recommend it. The video provides a lot of key information needed to understand this post. 

After watching my video you may be wondering why I chose my soldier. Frank Oxley Button happens to be my great-great-grandfather. All the information about him after the war came from my Grandmother and my Great aunt. They were both extremely helpful in the creation of this video and I would like to thank them. If you would like to check out Frank’s war file you can find it here.

Frank Oxley Button receiving a Certificate

Below here lies the competencies we were assessed on for this project.

This competency is all about communication. I think my best example of this competency was my final video. I feel like it used technology to communicate in a creative and meaningful way. I do feel that all video drafts helped me perfect this competency. 

This competency was all about us exploring the historical significance of our artifacts and soldiers. These are the parts of this project I feel I demonstrated this competency the best. When I first researched our artifacts and soldiers. In addition to my screenplay. 

Throughout the duration of this project I learned so much! This learning includes both skills and knowledge. Some of the areas I feel I improved the most were video skills, and an understanding of how the war shaped Canada. One area I could still work on would be my time management skill as I often find myself finishing work the night before. After taking all this into consideration I now feel prepared to answer the driving question. “How might we use artifacts and film to show the significance of WWI?” This Project taught me that by exploring past footage and photos we can discover the significance of an event. Additionally we can connect the past to the present and hopefully have a better idea of why the world is what it is today.

The Case for a Nation 🇨🇦🇺🇸

Hi everyone,

It’s been awhile since my last blog post. So what happened was there was Christmas break, and then we did an extra long project, it was TEN milestones in a month! This project was about nationalism during the 19th century and how that affects our lives today. We used a different example every week, on the first week we learned about various examples of nationalism around the world. I focused on American Manifest Destiny. The second week was about nationalism in British North America and the Canadian Confederation. The third and final example was Indigenous oppression in Canada. This included the Indian Act and the Story the Red River Resistance. We also made six videos during these last four weeks!

We began with our driving question “How can an understanding of nationalism help us make sense of today?” My answer to this question was “An Understanding of Nationalism in North America during the 19th century can help us understand why People express their pride in their country through sports and explorations.” I chose to focus on nationalism through sports and travel because not only are those some of my greatest interests, those our the examples of nationalism my mom can relate to the best. You might be asking why do I care if my Mom can relate to the examples of nationalism? To answer that we have to go back to the beginning of the project. 

Our very first Milestone for this project was a parent video interview. We had to ask our parents questions about nationalism. Then at the end of the project we had to create a reaction video of them watching our final video. You can check out both of those videos right in this post.

One of the biggest challenges I faced in this project was the high pace of work. I play lots of sports, mostly Basketball and Skiing right now. It was a challenge to balance those with homework. It required me to manage my time. I also had to chose what was an attainable amount of work in a few days. This would often involve me cutting information as I only had time to research a few topics. The time management techniques I learned during this project will help me greatly in the future.

Editing in iMovie

My favourite video’s to make were the second video, an animatic about Manifest Destiny and the final video, the parent reaction. I enjoyed the animatic because I found the content fascinating. I have always found exploration, and industrialization super cool. In the final video I feel like I did a great job in the editing. I used some techniques which I didn’t use throughout the rest of this project. This included multiple angles inter-spliced, and a custom made intro in keynote. Go watch both of those videos, they are linked in this post. 

The video I found the most challenging was the fourth video, an explainer video about oppression in Canada. I used the example of the Red River Resistance focusing on Louis Riel. I also found the editing this video in an engaging way was difficult. We never ended up finishing this video as our teacher cancelled this assignment after our rough draft. I used some of the lessons I learned from this video to improve my final nationalism video though. I would like to show the video but sadly the footage corrupted, however I still have my voiceover. 

Videos are not just filming and editing though, they include a whole lot planning. We use a movie planner. We use the Know Your Story tab to began. This involves all the research and sources we will need to create our video, we also create a story mountain or story spine. Those our essentially rough plans of our video. Then we move onto a screenplay or script. Which one we use depends on the kind of video. We mostly use the Screenplay as it lets us plan the visuals as well as audio. After that we create a storyboard. Finally we move onto editing and shooting. Creating this movie planner taught me a lot of things, first off videos take a lot longer to create then you would think. For a 4 minute long video I usually spend 2-3 hours on the research, then I will spend 30 minutes on a story mountain. After that It takes me 2-3 hours to write my screenplay. Then a storyboard will take me 1 hours 30 minutes. I find this me most useless step as I generally have visualized my story during the screenplay. After all that the filming and recording will take another 1-2 hours. Then I generally spend 2 hours editing. But I’m not done yet, I still have to upload to Youtube, write a description and cite sources. That can take anywhere from 15-45 minutes. That adds up to 9 hours 15 minutes to 12 hours 45 minutes for a four minutes video! The amount of time a video takes to create shifts depending on the video, the more cuts and clips required the longer time it takes to create. 

Movie Planner

We were assessed on four competencies throughout this project. There was one Maker competency, two Social Studies and two English competencies. You might be thinking but that adds up to five, you said there was four competencies. We had one competency which spanned two subjects.

Empowered learner was our maker competency. The how might I statement which came along with it was “How might I use technology to construct knowledge.” This competency was present in all of our video milestones. My best example of this competency in my opinion was the final two videos. I feel like I used my editing to enhance the message and improve understanding of Nationalism in both of them. The multiple angles, well timed cuts and captions helped improve understanding. 

The competency which spanned both English and Socials was Using Resources/ Use Evidence from various sources. The description of this competency was ‘Have I found diverse sources and evaluated them for their relevance, accuracy, and reliability? The place were this competency was most evident was my Know Your Story Tab of my movie planner. You can also find evidence of this competency in my youtube description. In three of our videos (animatic, tutorial, final video) we had to use cite everything in MLA 8 format. Most of my sources were articles. Why… well I learn the most from reading an article or book vs. watching a movie or video. I favourite websites were Canadian Encyclopedia, History.com and Britannica. I found they all had a wide selection of articles on historical nationalism. My biggest takeaways from this competency were how to cite sources even photos in MLA 8 and what sources I can use for future projects.  

MLA 8 citation

Our English competency was Designing Texts. The description was “Have I used writing and design processes to plan, develop, create, and refine engaging and meaningful texts considering purpose, audience, and message? Pretty much how can I design texts (this includes video) to create a meaningful text. My greatest examples of this were once again the last two videos. I think those were my most meaningful and engaging videos. I did this through increasing the time I spent on the planning stages, particularly Know Your Story and the screenplay.  

Know Your Story Tab

Identify Continuity and Change was our Social Studies competency. “How are lives and conditions alike over time and how have they changed?” For this example I will point to cumulative video. Throughout that video I provided examples of nationalism and life in the past and the same in modern days. My favourite example was the example of Manifest Destiny in the past and how that resulted in the frontier era compared to Manifest Destiny now and how that leads to exploration and travel. I think my example of sports was the most meaningful to my mom though. 


I hope you have learned something about nationalism. I would strongly suggest checking out all the videos and film planners linked I worked very hard on them. Now you know that sports and exploration are both parts of nationalism! There probably won’t be any posts for the next couple of months, I will be taking different courses (Science and Gym) in which I don’t use the blog. Have a good day 🙂


Hi everyone,

2020 is almost over! It’s been a long tough year but we’ve got through it. We just finished our last project of the year. That also means this will be my last blog post of the year as school is out for the next 2 weeks. The project we just completed may have been the most unique project I have ever completed. It was called “The Rise of the Frankenstuffy’s.” Pretty much we cut up stuffy’s and then sewed various parts together to create so called Frankenstuffy’s. We then wrote story’s relating to the Industrial Revolution about them. 

The driving question was “How do Revolutions Transform the World. I came to an answer after 2 weeks of non stop work learning about this. “Revolutions transform the world through the change of a system to a more efficient form. This system spreads through both societies and industries. Thus causing a fundamental change in trade, power, and causing mass migration and immigration.” To sum that up it means that the invention of a more efficient form of creating an essential product will result in a large scale change of the world.

This project covered three subjects and five competencies. I think I did a very good job on all them. But the one I came the farthest on in the project was Creative Communicator. This is about using technology to communicate in an interesting or unique way. I went from having troubles with this competency in the previous project to extending on this project! I think I learned a lot from the last videos which I was able to transfer over to these videos. I also did a good job in designing texts. I built upon skills from my previous projects to improve my storytelling. This involved me spending many hours to plan and craft the stories. I don’t think I learned that much about comprehending texts. For my two social studies competencies I think I learned quite a bit. They were about historical significance and cause and consequence which I went over in the previous blog post. I learned a lot when analyzing different elements of the Industrial revolution. One thing which really stands out to me was when we analyzed the effects of the industrial revolution on Japan and China, it just really helped me build an understanding for the industrial revolutions causes and consequences world wide. 

From this project I learned many video skills along with working on my time management skills as we had a large work load. I think I learned the most from our various discussions about the industrial revolution. I can’t wait for 2021! More posts will come next year.

Metaphor Machines

Hi everyone,

I just completed a very complicated project. I had 4 different groups to work with. We had to build machines, write paragraphs, create videos, and learn about the American and French Revolutions. Oh yeah we also read a book called leviathan this was the best book we read so far in PLP.

This project involved us working on a few main competencies. For social studies it was Establish Historical Significance and Analyze Cause and Consequence. Those are two ways you can analyze an event and how it affected history. Using these competencies I was able to better understand the revolutions we studied. 

This world cloud really summarizes both of these compatencies. This was not my creation

In English we worked on Designing texts and Discussing, Listening, and Speaking. The latter is self explanatory. I do think I did a good job with this one. I contributed a variety of ideas to my group and listened to other group members idea’s. Designing texts doesn’t just refer to writing though, this applies to video, picture, audio. For this project we focused on writing and video. Throughout my years at school, especially the recent years my writing has improved with every assignment. This project was no exception. I really think I did a good job on our paragraphs even though they were a little long. Throughout this year we will be working on video as a means of communication. Of course I helped with all of our group videos but on one I was the lead editor. I think I did quite a good job with what I had for this video. I also used a lot of iMovies more advanced features for the first time such as cutaways.

In Maker we only had one competency, this was creative communicator. This was all about using technology to create and communicate. I did exactly that this project. Through all the videos I made. Those both communicated an idea and were made using a variety of different apps.

Our project Launch taught us about Crane Brinton’s theory of Revolutions. This was the base for how we would analyze revolutions throughout the project. The theory compared a revolution to a disease through comparing the stages of a revolution to different parts of a common sickness. I really realized that revolutions are incredibly complicated, but all share many common traits. Then we built a metaphor machine which represented a society through a revolution. We also had to create a video of that machine. As this was a launch milestones it wasn’t the prettiest and it didn’t work most of the time. Although I learned a lot of valuable lessons from this milestone which helped make our revisions of the machine work and look okay. 

Then we moved onto Building Knowledge. This was where we learned about the American and French Revolutions. We also had to write paragraphs about both. Throughout this area of the project we alternated days, learn about a revolution then build a machine, create a video, and write a paragraph. Of course I learned a lot during this stage, but I also gained experience in time management this was amplified by the fact that it was the start of the ski season so I went up the mountain a couple of times!

Then the Develop and Critique stage came along. This stage got combined with the present and reflect stage as our teacher didn’t think we were ready to do the assignments in this stage. We just made our final video here. 

To summarize this project, we built metaphor machines about revolutions which we took videos of and then wrote paragraphs to show our understanding of the revolutions. Plus we read a book. Thanks for reading through. Keep an eye out for more blog post before winter break. 

Running a Remake

Hi everyone,

It’s been awhile. I think my last blog post was in late June! Throughout the first 10 weeks of school I wasn’t taking any PLP classes, in which I use my blog. I was taking Math and Band. Band was tons of fun, and I learned a lot in math. But now onto the matter at hand. We just completed an entire project in 3 days! It was called, Running a Remake. We had to recreate a short horror movie called, “Run. “

An empty classroom due to COVID-19

As this a PLP project we had a driving question which we were introduced to at the start of the project. For this project it was, “How might we learn video skills by recreating a short film?” That was really what this project was about learning video skills to prepare us for future projects. In Grade 9 we do a lot of video projects, just like how we did a lot of photo projects in Grade 8. I feel like some of the things I learned in this project will be essential to future projects. 

Just a photo of myself editing in iMovie

It all started on Wednesday morning with our project launch. During this phase we were introduced the movie Run, our groups for this project, and our first milestone. It was an introduction video where we had to introduce ourselves and a hobby. I don’t feel like I learned anything special from that first milestone. It felt like a warm up to PLP, that’s fine but I don’t think I need to go over it in detail.

After Lunch break, we started our second class in which we moved onto the building knowledge phase. This was an important phase as this is where we began to learn some of the video skills, we also made our project plan outline for the future milestone’s. This was when we began to work with our groups. I think my group worked really well together, their names were, Julien, Ryder, Erin, and Nathan. All of us did different things, I noted down all the sounds needed, Erin made a story board, and Ryder looked at some camera and cut related things. That was really it for Milestone 2, and the building knowledge faze.

Our shared document which had all the sounds, the storyboard, and the plan for filming

On Thursday morning we began to film our first take of the video and, so began the develop and critique phase. We went out to “Myrtle Park” and filmed our first take of the video. It was a good first try but we missed a couple of things for sure. Some of our camera angles were off and at times our setting didn’t really make sense. The path we were using was also kind of weird and didn’t really. But we learned lot’s of things from this such as how we need to use more exact angles, and we learned a ton about editing. 

Then on Friday we re-shot and edited the video. We improved a significant number of things, such as angles, editing, and setting. I feel like we did a very good job for the limited time and resources we had for this project. When you watch the videos side by side you see that the timing is almost identical. Same with the camera angles. I think I learned a ton of valuable skills,  mostly in editing, and Production. I also, learned some valuable lessons for the upcoming video projects, such as pay attention to the little details, as Ms Willemse pointed out to our group Nathan’s Bright red shirt which hangs out a little bit really stands out. Overall I was very happy with our final video and think our group worked extremely well together to turn out an amazing product!

Here’s is a comparison video to the original run.

Finally we will go back to the driving question. “How might we learn videos skills by recreating a short film?” I think that throughout this short project we did just that. I learned a lot about using camera angles to our advantage, editing on the software iMovie, and many more little things. 

Here’s just our final product.

That wraps this blog post up. This was fairly short project so there’s not that much to write about. Anyways, thanks for reading through the entire post, and go checkout my group members blog post on this project if you want there perspectives on Running a Remake.

The Fatal Journey

Hi everyone,

After learning about explorers we learnt about what the explorers did after settling somewhere new. Our most recent project was about the colonial times, focusing on New France and the fur trade. For this project we made a book about an artifact, and a person in New France. 

We started this project off by learning about the seingneural system of New France. That was very similar to Feudalism which I did a project on in January. Then we picked our artifact and wrote a story. 

My best work came in Milestone 2 of this project. We had to make a character card. I think I did a great job on that milestone. I included lots of detail, and put lots of thought into it. I’m also proud of my final book. One of the most interesting things to learn about in this project was how daily life in New France looked. It was also amazing to learn that the whalers from Europe, followed the explorers to new waters and hunted the whales there. One of the things I struggled with the most was my grammar in the story. I kept on switching from the first to third person. 

There were two main competencies in this project. Communicate was one of them. The best demonstration of this competency is in my story. I communicated my idea, and learning through my story. The other competency was, evidence. Milestones 3-5 were all great examples of this competency. I showed evidence of my artifact. I also used evidence to show significance of my artifact and New France. 

This is my last humanities blog post of grade 8 thanks. I will likely post my next humanities blog post in October. Happy Summer Vacation 🥳🥳!!!!!

TPOL 2020

Hi everyone,

We are now wrapping up the 2019-2020 school year. This was grade 8 for me. Terms 1 & 2 were fairly normal terms but term 3 was the odd one. As you all know the coronavirus pandemic has forced most cities to go into lockdown. This has made term 3 very different and challenging. But as we did in the middle of this school year, we are doing another presentation of learning. 

We’ve completed many projects since our mpols. I think I have completed all that work to the standard set by our teachers. I’ve found it more difficult during online schooling though. It’s tougher to be motivated to do your absolute best on assignment when your trapped and bored. Although, the biggest challenge I’ve faced is organization. I often turn in assignments late because I haven’t organized myself well enough. The other reason for this is I’ve found it hard to prioritize during this period. I often don’t know what I should do next and I spend to long on one thing which isn’t due for a couple of days and then I don’t have enough time to do the assignments which is due sooner and I just get really stressed and everything ends up being late. What I believe I need to do fix this is time block my calendar and list assignments based on priority in the app things. 

This is the app things

One of my biggest accomplishments this year was my improvement in blog posts. If you check one of my blog posts from the student blogging challenge, or my Oregon post you can see they aren’t nearly as good as recent blog posts, such as my argh matey, or DI blog posts. 

Overall I have achieved my academic goal for this year, straight A’s (except for art, but that doesn’t count). I made that a goal as that was what I got in grade 7 so I wanted to keep that up. I also think getting straight A’s shows commitment to academics. In order to achieve this I had to complete all my assignments close to the best of my ability. I also needed to show a growth mindset. One great example of this was in my it’s the end of the world project where we needed to sing a song. That was not something I wanted to do. I was very nervous but I kept an open mind and I think I did a good job. 

If you read my mpol post you will remember that I had to come up with a learning goal for the end of the year that goal was “how can I use the resources I have to improve my productivity and keep a good school/life balance?” I have made a few steps towards that goal but I still think it’s my learning goal for next year. During the second term I got better at maintaining a good school/life balance. But during quarantine it all kind of blurred together. One the things I got quite good at using by the end of the second term was the app things. I would organize all my work and know when it was due so I would have less stressful nights working on an assignment due the next day. I did not use things very effectively over the last few months which is one of the main factors to my lack of organization. 

This year we learned about advertising and religion at the start of the year. Then we moved onto some eras in history. The Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and the colonial times in New France. We used so many methods of presentation throughout those projects. From songs, to stories, to keynote, we learned how to use text and speech to communicate. I feel I have done a good job in Humanities this year. I believe my best project was my Middle Ages project. 

Throughout Scimatics we have learned tons of interesting things. Such as, graphs, surface area and volume, cells and diseases, and molecules. My best work in scimatics this year was either in our molecules unit, or in our Ultimate design challenge. 

This is my model of a surfboard for the ultimate design challenge

Maker has consisted of many different types of projects. We went from learning about growth mindset, and how to use our iPads basic features, to blue sky’s, and then the most challenging of all, DI. I learned many valuable skills in Maker but I think my best work was in our Blue Sky projects. I studied my topic intensely and learned many skills, and my design skills improved a lot. Another thing maker especially has taught me about is how to handle lots of pressure and stress. Thank you exhibitions and DI for teaching me this.  

PGP is one of those subjects you don’t really notice your doing a lot. I think we haven’t learned much about PGP since the mpols though.

To summarize this blog post, I still need to work on my time management and organization. I have learned a lot this year and have a lot to be proud of. I will look back at this year and be like wow, I learned so much in grade 8. That wraps up this year of learning. I will still have a couple of blog posts coming in the next week or so.


My learning goal is the same for next year as it was for the end of this year: “how can I use the resources I have to improve my productivity and keep a good school/life balance?”

Exploring Diseases

Hi everyone,

We just completed a project about explorers and diseases. This was a scimatics humanities cross-over. We had two driving questions for this project, “How do cells and diseases interact?” Our other driving question was “What is the historical significance of your explorer?”

As with all scimatics projects we created a project start mind map. This detailed our understanding of the subject of the project, before we started the main part of the project. I learned a lot this project such as how organelles work, and viruses are not living things. 

Our competencies for this project were, Questioning and Predicting. I think I did a good job with this competency. I had a sustained intellectual curiosity about the subject at hand. I completed all milestones to the best of my ability. The second competency was, Scientific Communications. I used proper language to describe how the bacteria and human cells interacted. They interacted in a realistic, scientific manor. The final competency was, Evaluate. The symptoms and outcomes were logical and realistic. They were what would likely happen if someone got the disease I chose in real life. 

This is a diagram of a cell I drew

For the humanities portion of this I created. The curricular competencies were, Connect, and Establish Historical Significance. For the Connect competency I think I did a good job. The best example of this was my comic book comparison chart. I connected with the characters in the stories. 

I think I did a good job on my second competency, Establish Historical Significance. The best example of this was my comic book. You can read it below. I established the historical significance of Bartolomeu Dias very well. 

Bartolomeu Dias comic


I think I answered both driving questions quite well. I answered the humanities driving question mainly through Milestones 3 and 5. Milestone 3 was our explorer research chart and this was where I decided on Bartolomeu Dias. I also figured out why he was historically significant. Milestone 5 was the comic book and this was where I explained that he was historically significant. 

I would say I mostly answered the scimatics driving question through Milestones 2 and 5. Milestone 2 was our disease wanted poster. We created a Poster detailing some basic facts about our disease on a Midwest like wanted poster. This is where I chose my disease the Scarlet Fever. I presented these facts in Our comic book. 

All in all this was an interesting project which really correlated with the time we’re living in. It was really interesting learning about diseases with the COVID-19 global pandemic the way it is. I also learned a lot about how significant my explorer was. 

Witness to History

Hi everyone,

Due to the coronavirus pandemic which I’m sure you all know about. If you don’t about it then good for you, you’re still likely practicing social distancing. It has prevented us from being able to go to our physical school. Instead we have been doing schooling online. But this will be considered a major historical event by historians for hundreds of year to come. For our latest project we have become photo journalists. For this project I have made a photo essay about the affects the coronavirus pandemic has had on the vancity basketball community. 

For our first milestone we could take some selfies or go on a themed photo walk. I went on a themed photo walk. I chose the colour green. Below are some of my favourite photos. 

Our second milestone had us interviewing members of the community. I chose to interview two of my cousins who are in university. They both said university learning was hard but they were almost done (they’re now done), so lucky! 

In our third milestone we finally started on the end product. We made a story spine. As previously said I decided to focus on the vancity basketball community. Below is a screenshot of my story spine. 

The fourth milestone was a storyboard. In this milestone we planned each of our shots. I found this to be quite a difficult milestone as I often take on the fly photos. 

The final milestone was the actual photo essay. I found this milestone quite fun. I like photography and it was fun to go take all these photos. I embedded my photo essay below if you want to check it out. 

The driving question for this project was, “How can we, as photojournalists, tell stories of our community during this period of physical distancing?” I think my photo essay answers this question well. I have many photos detailing how my chosen community is affected by physical distancing. I do think my photos could of been more self explanatory though.