How can we do better?

Hi everyone,

We just finished our first project this year. If you’ve kept up with my blog you will already know what this project is, in short. We had to create political parties with classmates to fix an issue we had with our current system of government. I created the traditionalist party of Canada with a few classmates, go read about it here. It was interesting to go into detail about how our government works. I gained a perspective on why it was so much more complicated to fix current issues through doing so. 

Above is our party video, you can watch it for a brief summary on our party. But I would strongly recommend reading my in depth post about the Traditionalist party of Canada as it will make this post much easier to understand.

Working with a group who has all kinds of opinions is challenging to say the least. But it really gave me a perspective on why it so difficult to make major changes in society. I was only working with 4 other students and we often had troubles agreeing on what issues were important and how we should solve them. I really had to do my research to avoid digging myself into holes when pitching my ideas to my group and teachers. I found some really good sources about housing affordability and wealth inequality. You can check them out below. 

As this is a PLP project we had a driving question it was “How Should We Govern Ourselves.” Actually through reading some articles about photography I managed to connect it with the driving question and I came up with this answer “We should govern ourselves in away which connects us together and aids everyone. Instead of trying to change the past we should embrace it and learn from our mistakes. We should find out what is important to us and use that to connect us all and make a better Canada for everyone.” You can check out my notes on the importance of photography which lead me to this answer here.

I found it very interesting researching housing affordability and the wealth gap. It was also fascinating to learn about other democratic systems of voting such as proportional representation. In my first post for this project I reflected on the election and related it to a research topic of choice. I chose to research how are election could of been changed and bettered by the use of proportional representative voting. This post really taught me how many different ways one can run there government. It also made me aware how our current system of government often favours the rich and majorities. I never quite realized how minorities have such a hard time getting a say in government. 

I think we can do better and that it will be my generation who will have to start a change in government to benefit Canada as a whole. Thanks for reading and have a good day!