So for a couple weeks in class we have been learning about the industrial revolution and cause and consequences of the implement of roads, canals, railways, and the inventions like the steam engine, power loom, and different machines that make work easier. So obviously we would have to do a project that would show our understanding of the industrial revolution, we each had to make a explain everything about, what were the causes and consequences of the development of the railway during the Industrial Revolution in Britain?. Explain every thing is an app where you can use images and animations to help improve a voice over. In this blog post I’ll explain how I made my explain everything add how it improved over my three drafts. So to start off I had no idea how to use the explain everything app, I first started off with researching for three different causes (the reason why/how railway had that change)
After that I planned out my script and what images I would use in my explain everything. When I started to make my explain everything I had no idea how to use the app. I spent a lot of time experimenting and messing around with the app to try find out how to use it. Looking back at my first draft, its not very good. My voice over is pretty good but due to not knowing how to use the app I had no animations whatsoever and because of that it wasn’t very interesting to watch. I could’ve easily improved this by asking some of my friends how to use the app. The feedback that I got from my good friend Simon was that my voice over was great and included lots of information, I had lots of content in it that was interesting, but that my animations where not very good due to just talking over my pictures.

My second draft is a bit better due to me asking my friends how to use the app. In my second draft I added some animations to the slides but it was very poorly implemented. The animations where at the end of each slide and where not added throughout when I was talking so it would be silent when the animations where happening. In my second draft I didn’t change anything else apart from adding animation so it felt a lot like the first draft. The feedback that I got was that my voice over was great and very clear, my content was great, but my animations where still not great due to them being at the end of each slide and that when my animations would start my voice over would end so it was not very interesting to watch.

For my last draft I had learned a lot, I knew a lot more about the app and how to use it. In my third draft I redid my voice over so that my voice sounded a little more clear, and I added a little more expression in my voice to make it more interesting to watch, and I redid and added more animations so that they would fit into the video better. Out of all my drafts this is definitely my best. I put more effort and time into this draft and I think it shows. Overall I really liked this project, it made us show what we know about the industrial revolution in Britain, and made us use technology to show our understanding.