In Plp 9 we have been reading the book Leviathan by: Scott Westerfeld, so naturally we would have to show our understanding of character development and how the characters evolved through out the book. In the book Leviathan how does Alek’s character evolve and change through out the book? In the book Leviathan there a two protagonists Deryn, and Alek, Throughout the book Alek changes a lot. He starts off as a young boy who grieves his parents death. At the beginning of the book Alek isn’t used to talking to piers, because Alek comes from a royal family he is not used to talking to people his age. When Alek first meets Deryn she is disguised as a guy named Dylan so she can be in the air force, Alek doesn’t find out that deryn is a girl in this book but, they form a great friendship “We save each other. That’s how it works, says Deryn.” Also during the book deryn builds a crush on Alek, she really starts to like him. Aleks img_0300character seems like a real guy, he seems like the sort of guy that you would want to be friends with. A lot of that is due to him being very kind, he hates war and hates death/killling “Killing is ugly, whatever shape it takes. That’s why we have to stop this war.” At the end of the book Alek has completely changed, he has friends, more social skills, and he’s a board the leviathan “You’re rather friendly with young Alek, aren’t you?” “Aye, sir. He’s a good lad.” “So he seems. A young boy like that needs friends, especially having run away from home and country.” The captain lifted an eyebrow. “Sad, isn’t it?”Deryn nodded, saying carefully, “I suppose so, sir.” I believe that in the sequels of the leviathan that Alek and Deryn’s relationship will only grow, and I also cant wait to see what happens next. Overall Aleks character is very different at the end of the book than at the beginning of the book, I believe that he is a dynamic character because at the beginning of the book he was a sad kid with no social skills and not many friends but at the end of the book he is a more developed character, he has friends and has more social skills. And I can’t wait to see how they change and how their relationship changes in the next books.
