Month: May 2017

Who’s is control

whos in control

Chicken and waffles

Lately in class we’ve got into our new Heath and Career unit and have been assigned a new mini assignment, the assignment was to make a self portrait of ourselves made out of the food we eat, we had to include our name in the image and make it only out of the food that we eat. Before making this image we had to watch four different video reaching from around 8-20 minutes. These videos where all about Healthy living and eating but in different forms. The one video that impacted me the most and kept me thinking was the first one, It was about a guy. He basically used various different habits to get healthy, he used sanitation that’s supposed to lead to the healthiest living possible. He ended up saying that you could become too healthy and then it becomes unhealthy, his ended up becoming very disconnected with his friends and family and they started thinking he was weird by his choices.

The next part of this assignment was too look at the foods and choices we make. Usually every morning for breakfast I’ll have some waffles or a fruit smoothie, waffles aren’t exactly the healthiest choice for the most important meal of the day so I guess I could change that. I also consume a lot of meat and vegetables, I don’t often eat too many fruit every day so I need to change that as well. I usually burn a lot of calories each day, not so much on school days as I’m sitting down most of the day but on weekends I’ll be hiking or doing something quite active with my friends. I know I’m not the healthiest guy and some food choices I make aren’t the greatest either but if I change my eating habits and swap some foods out with healthier choices I could become a lot healthier and become way more active. I hope to change my habits and become a lot healthier, I love sports and just doing active things with my friends and changing my habits would be great.

The final part of this assignment was to create a self portrait of ourselves made of the food we eat, I’m not a picky eater so I had a lot of foods to choose from. I used photoshop to cut out images of the food that I eat and put them on top of an image of myself, after selecting the food and putting it overtop I saved the image and then used Snapseed to add my name in with a font that I liked.

Processed with Snapseed.

By looking at the picture you can obviously see that I don’t eat the healthiest foods, but there’s actually quite some healthy stuff too. I have apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, broccoli, sushi, chicken, and salad. All of this food is what I usually eat but as I’m not a picky eater there’s so much food that I love that I didn’t include, I do wish to change my habits to become a lot healthier and over alll feel better.

This assignment was overall very interesting, I learned a lot more about dieting and the worlds food problems. I also loved making the portrait of myself as it was very fun and entertaining, I can’t wait to see what my friends images look like.

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