Hello and welcome to my tpol blog post, in this post I will be talking about why I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade level. I have learned many new different skills this year that I will use for the rest of my life. Before joining PLP in grade 9 I had never known how many different and incredible things the well known I pad device could really do, before I would use this piece of technology as a form of entertainment but now I know how to fully use the potential of this device. I’ve learned how to edit videos, script, direct, collaborate, share, plan, manage, and various helpful apps. This incredible tool helps me organize easier and plan things much faster, it allows me to use technology whenever I need it and However I need to use it.

My learning:

In humanities this year we have done plenty of fun, exciting, stressful, time consuming, varied projects that tested many of the skills I used and helped me learn new skills. A few examples of the projects that I have done that I’m proud of are “DI” and our “crazy person” Seattle video. Each of these projects have tested my skills and have made me an even better student. DI was a major thing for me as I had never really had a big team project like that in that level, I learned MANY skills from DI like to always glisten to everyone’s ideas, always be creative, and accept the thought of revision and perfecting your work to put out you best piece of work. DI also showed me what real teamwork is like and that to succeed everyone has to give their everything. On the other hand the “crazy person” project video is something im very proud of, I basically filmed the whole video and pulled our group together as my two other classmates in my group weren’t getting along that well so I pulled us together so our team would work more efficiently and productively. The video explains how somebody went above and beyond, it shows what they did with their life and how they were almost “crazy” for always pushing for the best. For our person we chose Kurt Cobain the lead singer from the Seattle band nirvana, we chose him as he was actually a little crazy but also because he worked so hard for his dream and it almost made him go a little mad. In each of these projects revision was the key to success, always improving and adding to your work succeeds the quality and makes it way better, this year I’ve become accustomed to revision and it really helps me become better.

Destination Imagination

Crazy person

2. Maker time has really helped me this year with coming out of my comfort zone with presentations being a massive part of the projects. At the start of PLP I was never the one who would love presentations, I did know quite a few of the kids in PLP but some I didn’t. I was scared to share my opinions with people I didn’t know but that soon changed, I am know more confident to show my work to others as they could give me critique and help me further my learning, I’m now more out going but I still have space to improve in the future. This block has really been a big part of my learning and testing of my skills and has thought me so much with the projects like Blue Sky, and the things I carry project.

Blue Sky

Things I carry

3. Math and science have never been my strongest subject, I feel that you have to truly understand the concepts to succeed. This block has pushed me to expand my learning and I’ve honestly learned so much important information in these classes this year. I feel that the beginning of the year for scimathics was a lot easier than the end year section, at the beginning most of the projects covered the whole unit and we did all our homework on the iPads. At the end of the year we mostly get worksheets and tests, I find that sometimes I do loose the worksheets and I definitely need to work on my organization skills and knowing where they are at all times. I do find myself struggling with tests, I’m not sure is it’s the pressure or what but I find myself struggling. For me studying defiantly helps with getting a higher score and doing better in these classes.we have had mini projects in these classes such as the cell city projects which helped me visualize and research into and help me with my drawing skills.

Cell city project at bottom of page
This year I’ve had a real struggle with time management with homework and friends, I do admit to going out with friends while I have homework and this needs to change as at some points in the year I have had overdue or incomplete homework and no one ever wants that.This really has to change as I hate seeing that little red mark on showbie showing that my work is late and next year I would have to change this. It’s my goal for this to change and I think it’s easily possible I just need to put school work in front of free time, so if I get my homework in on time I’ll have more free time on the weekend.

A big part of PLP will always be “revision required”, by the end of the year I don’t even really think of revision I just do it. You always want to hand in your best work and having multiple drafts showing your improvement is just a big part of the projects, I really like improving my work and projects so that I know I have the best possible work I could. I’ve learned to accept revision as I use it almost every week, during DI me and my group definitely used this skill a lot as we wanted to have the best possible work we could.

This year I’ve learned so many important skills, I feel that this year has been my best year of school. This program is apart of my life and it’s just so incredible, I love the freedom we have with projects and just this program makes learning so much fun. All of the teachers are

Skills, Knowledge, Abilities

willing to help you at anytime and they all want you to succeed. The skills I’ve learned this year will be with me for the rest of my life and I find myself now using them every single day, I can’t wait to see what next year holds for me and I’m so excited for grade 10.