Grade 10 is a lot about growth and discovery, we students learn about the real world and what possible job choices there are in the future, the Planning 10 unit is all about teaching students what they could possibly do in their future or skills that are key for when you are out of school. In this Unit of Planning we are learning about work place safety which is quite useful for me as I have had a job for almost two years.

We started off this unit by taking online quizzes about workplace safety, I found it quite easy as I have a job and already have a general idea if something is safe or not. After we watched some pretty disturbing videos of real teenage workers that were in life changing accidents, it really opened my eyes to how one little mistake can change your whole life.

After watching the video and reflecting on it with the class we talked about how we could make workplaces more safe and what some common injuries were. We then researched the rules and regulations between jobs, employers, and the employee. We then took a quiz with the whole class to correct some images with several mistakes in certain workplaces. As I do have a job witch is dishwashing in Osaka Sushi I have a great knowledge for what is right and wrong in a work place, I’ve been working for almost two years and when I first started I got the usual tour of where everything is and what to do within when I am working. I was also shown what to do in case of a fire and what to do in case I get injured, in all my time of working I’ve never been seriously injured I’ve just slipped and fallen a couple times but nothing serious. A lot of injuries caused I find are more from common sense and I’ve have enough experience to know what’s right from wrong.

With this being PLP and us having a new unit of course we would have a little mini assignment to go along with it, we had to create a visual that would compliment our learning from this unit. For my visual I used photoshop mix which is a photo editing app and I made a mini add/banner that recreates a Work Safe BC poster.

Processed with Snapseed.

I’m very glad that we learned about work safety and the rights as workers because it’s very important for when your older town know what rights you have as a worker and what you can do if something does go wrong in your workplace. We were supposed to have a guest speaker come in and talk to us about Work Safe BC but they didn’t show up. A couple weeks later a woman did come in and talk to us about Work Safe BC, it was basically a recap of what he had already learned but we did learn a few new things and the most important thing that I learned is that there’s a law if you work at a gas station or somewhere that could easily get robbed you don’t actually have to protect the goods in the store if you are in danger, I guess people do just try protect the goods as it is human nature but I just found that interesting. I’m really glad we learned about this unit and the mini visual assignment was fun to create as I love using photo shop mix.