Since around the beginning of January we had started a new unit in PLP, this unit was focused around the concept of “Disruption”. Every year in PLP there’s usually a unit that will also involve a big field study where we will travel to another country or part of the country, and get a hands on perspective with the learning. We will actually go into building or meet people that or involved in some way of what we are learning. The main focus of this disruption unit was the disruption that technology is having or had on the world and what disruption really is. The main trip for this unit was to go to Silicon Valley and San Diego and visit many different company’s and properties that have a theme of disruption. I ended up staying behind and didn’t go on the trip as I have a big family trip planned in the summer and wanted to be more wise with my money choices. There were three main assignments within this unit, we had to create a podcast with the theme of disruption within our school Seycove, we had to create a digital book showing our learnings about disruption and what we did while the class was away, and we had to write an essay about disruption within a book we read and how it compares to real life.

In this learning portfolio post I’ll be talking about the podcast I made and the digital book that I created, everyone that went on the trip had to create a book based around the trip and what they did day to day. We had the same general idea for our book but with a slight twist, our book was based around disruption at Seycove. We were given several different ideas of what some disruptions at Seycove could look like, a couple of the main ones could be the PLP program and Flex Time. For my main podcast I chose the topic of Flex Time as it really interested me, I wanted to learn more about why flex time had been implemented into our time schedules and how the idea of flex time came up. I started working on my book first as there was so much time and work involved with making the book and I wanted to get a head start on the book. The book was actually pretty fun to make as we could make the  of the book ourselves and this assignment just gave us a lot of freedom. I’m really happy with the outcome of my book and how I put it together. You can read through my book below

Disruption! At Seycove-1cj8kzd

The next assignment I got to work on was my podcast, I first started planning out the overall story I wanted to tell and then started thinking of possible interviewees I could use. For my interview I wanted to get someone who could speak upon the creation of flex time and why it was put into our schedules, so who better to interview than our principal  Ms Craven. I interviewed her for a good four to five minutes and I learned a lot more about the planning of our schedules and just how long it takes to add something to the schedules such as flex time. I then wrote my script to revolve it around the interview and included a little bit of background music. I found it hard to stay focused each day for four to five hours a day on the two projects so I did take breaks at time and talked to my friends that stayed behind. We mainly critiqued each other’s work and gave each other ideas on how we could improve upon our work. I’m sure going to San Francisco was incredible and really fun (I definitely want to go there one day) but staying behind back at school was pretty fun to, I got to see my friend do outside of PLP a lot more and I did have my fare share of fun at school to. I also ended up going downtown a lot this week to take pictures as I had some free time. It was great to see all my friends return from the trip and hearing all the funny stories they had. It felt really weird going to school each day to a basically empty classroom with no supervision but we all handled it very well. I liked these two projects quite a bit and the experience of making them was pretty fun, I liked how much freedom we had with each assignment. I did miss my friends while they were away but I’m happy with the decision I made.