It’s that time of the year again…TPOL time!
Grade 10 is coming to a close as there’s only one whole week left, I can’t even believe it. It feels like just yesterday I joined PLP and was learning how to use an iPad to its full potential. TPOL’s are basically a Presentation of learning, we are meant to showcase our learning over the year and how we’ve grown as a learner. In this post I will be showing some examples of my learning through the year, I’ll be showing you some work I’m proud of, some work that I’m not so proud of.
So to start us off on a good note I’ll show you some pieces of work I’m proud of. Ok so one of our last projects of the year was our year end exhibition. I’m going to use the exhibition as one of my projects I’m proud of because I feel that this was the exhibition where I truely shined.
Through out the whole creation progress of my groups project I was fully involved. I’ll link my blue sky blog post here to give a better description of what actually happened and how the exhibition went. I edited all of my groups podcasts towards the project and I also did a lot of the planning, as we were one bug group of guys who are all friends I also did a lot of the time managing and basically told everyone to stay on task as sometimes we would all talk together and get off task. At the exhibition I wasn’t nervous at all, I feel like through this year I’ve slowly been breaking out of my ‘shell’ and I was actually excited to be showing off the project I’m proud of. I also feel that my groups project was a lot different then all the other projects as ours showed off every single skill we’ve been working on this year. Our main project was a podcast playlist to
help guide tourists around deep cove, we worked with our podcasting skills, scriptwriting and story telling skills, our recording skills, and showing empathy. I’m very proud of how I performed in class and at the exhibition with this project and I think it’s the best public speaking related experience I’ve ever done. One of my goals for this year was to break out of that shell and become more comfortable with public speaking, I haven’t completely broken out of that mood yet but I’m happy with how I’m improving.
Another piece of work that I’m happy with is my whole experience and performance at Destination imagination, again I’ll leave a link here to my blogpost I did on it. In my post I talked about how during the early stages of DI I got very sick and actually ended up missing two months of school. This was a massive set back for me as I missed so much of school. I just tried my best when I was sick to stay on top of my work to make sure it didn’t all pile up like at the begging of the year. When I got back to school I got straight to learning my new character in our DI play. From what the judges had to say and from what I heard from the audience I was the star of the show. I had learned all my lines but as soon as I had gotten on stage I realized that even with all my lines there were still long quiet breaks in the skit, so to fix this I improvised on spot and added lines. I believe this is what made the play so good as it added another level of humour to the script. I really do wish I wasn’t sick because I feel really bad that I was t there for my team but I’m very proud with how well I did when I was back.
Now I’ll talk about a few projects I’m not exactly proud of, my first one would probably be my Science astronomy project. The reason why I’m not proud of this project is because it was due just around the same time as blue sky was so I didn’t put much effort into it as I could of. I was so focused on blue sky and all my other projects that I kind of just pushed this one off to the side. I also was t that interested into this project as it was basically just researching that topic and then explains to the class what it is, I felt like it could’ve been just a small assignment in class and not a whole project. I didn’t really understand the project either as the instructions weren’t clear. Looking back I wish I just put more time into this project.
How are stars created ?-yyoy1l
Another project I’m a little disappointed in myself with would probably be the debate. It’s not that I did a bad job I just wish I did more. One of the rules was that each member in your team has to speak at least once, in my whole group we all did talk but I only talked once and at the very end. I’m disappointed in myself as I really wish I would’ve done more as I could’ve added so much to the debate. I’m happy with what I did say but I could’ve been so much better if I had just spoken more. In my group we were each assigned one section to speak in but I should’ve also done one of the rebuttals as I believe that I just didn’t speak enough. It also would’ve been another great opportunity to increase my public speaking skills. I’m very happy with how my team turned out as we won I just wish I would’ve added more to the conversation.
This year for me has actually been quite challenging, from being sick for a lot of the year and at the beginning of the year I wasn’t really taking school seriously. I was handing in almost all of my work late and the work I was handing in was very poor quality. Now that were near the end of the year I do believe that my work has improved a lot and I actually hand rstuff in on time now and I’ll actually revise it but I still have room for improvement. I also made the goal of speaking more in class and I have improved that a little but but there’s still room for improvement. I’m just generally a quiet guy but over the years I do know that I’m going to get more comfortable with it. Being in PLP is a big privilege and most of this year I believe Ive I wasn’t taking it seriously, in grade 11 I’m looking to over all improve myself all around so that from the get go I am handing in all of my work on time and most importantly that it’s the best work I can possibly do.
Overall as I learner this year I’ve grown tremendously, I can look back and see my mistakes and there’s no doubt I’m learning from ALL my mistakes. I’ve learned so many skills this year from all the new projects we’ve done with podcasting and public speaking. Most of the projects pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to adapt quickly, I’m so great full for this as I think that it’s impormantbto try new things. PLP has been such a great experience for me and I can’t wait to see what grade 11 has in store for me.
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