We all have people we look up to, people we inspire to be like, they make us try harder and impress us constantly. For this project we had to choose five of these people, we had to write a prargraph on each person showing why they inspire us. Each of these people inspire me to try harder and do my best, to never give up and always try again.


Muhammad Ali:

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” Muhammad Ali is an inspiration to millions, he was said to be the the best heavy weight champion boxer. If you have no idea who Muhammad Ali is he was born on January 17, 1942, He grew up loving boxing. From early on in his career he was known to be inspiring and controversial. He converted to Islam and changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali, he said Cassius was his slave name. He set a great example for African Americans as he resisted to white domination during the 1960’s civil rights movement. He also refused to be drafted into the us military, due to his religious beliefs he opposed to the American involvement in the Vietnam war. Eventually he was arrested and found guilty of draft evasion charges, he was stripped of his boxing titles. He eventually appealed the Supreme Court which overturned his eviction. He sadly passed away on June 3rd, 2016 the whole world lost a great hero that day and he will never be forgotten. Muhammad Ali is an amazing role model as he always said to never give up no matter how painful it is, he was a true hero and he inspires me to try be the best I can be.

Steve jobs: Everyone knows who Steve jobs is, Steve was the founder of the well known company Apple. The reason why Steve inspires me is because he started this whole movement of the smart phone, his dreams of technology have completely changed the world we know today. He’s changed the way people do things and think, he’s changed everything and he inspires millions. Apple is one of the well known brands, everyone knows who they are. They’re a household brand and

Steve had amazing ideas for the company, he did pass away on October 5th, 2011 but his legacy will live on through his amazing products and generation changing ideas. He inspirers me to work hard and always try my best no matter how crazy the idea seems, he inspires me to be different and never give up no matter how hard it gets.

Martin Luther King Jr: As soon as we where given this project Martin Luther King Jr. was the first inspirational person I knew I was going to do. He’s inspired millions around the world and he sone of the most inspirational people I can think of. Martin was a civil rights activist and used non violent ways based on his Cristian beliefs, he wanted equality for all races no matter the person. He used his words as weapons, racial equality is still a problem today but thanks to Martin it isn’t as big. One of my favourite quotes he’s said is “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” He wanted equality so bad and through fighting back with his words he was given a noble peace prize. Sadly on April 4th 1968, he was assassinated his death was followed riots in many U.S. cities. In 1971 numerous cities and states stated the Holiday Martin Luther king day. Hundreds of streets in Washington have been renamed in honour to this hero. He’s inspired me to always fight for what you believe in, and respect everyone no matter who they are.

Sir Robert Bryson Hall II (Logic): If you know me, logic is my favourite music artist period. He’s inspired me so much but not just from his music, outside of the music Logic is probably the nicest person you’ll ever meet. His motto is PLP which is kind of fitting for this class room, it means Peace Love and Positivity and Logic always wants everyone to be equal as he is bi-racial. When he was growing up in Maryland his dad was never around, his mom was a drug addict, his sisters where raped by there boyfriends, and his brothers where all drug dealers. When he was young Logic wanted to stay away from all of this stuff as he though it was horrible, he said he’s glad all of this happened because if it didn’t he wouldn’t be where he is today. He tried his whole teenage life to become a rapper after being inspired by the Wu Tang-Clan, he loved hip hop and wouldn’t stop until he made it. He realesed several mixtapes but his first album was named Under Pressure, this is what got him well known but his next album would be even bigger. It was named The Incredible True Story and it’s my favourite album he’s ever done, I love how it ties into with his other albums if you listen to the narrative that’s in this album. He inspires me because he tried his hardest his whole life until he made it as a rapper, he always respects his fans and doesn’t care about getting money he just cares about if his fans enjoy his music. I love all his music and can’t wait until he drops another album.

Kendrick Lamar: Kendrick Lamar is one of the greatest rappers of all time, but he’s also one of the best story tellers. Each of Kendrick’s songs transport you into his mind and tell a story, each song has something to say and creates a big story. He often talks about police brutality and other disgusting problems, but he also makes fun songs, I find him very inspirational because he talks what’s on his mind and brings the knowledge of what horrible things are happening to younger kids to know what’s wrong. His music is very inspirational and he uses

a lot of metaphors, so it’s interesting to go back and listen to each song. Each song has a deep meaning and it’s very interesting how he tells his stories. Kendrick inspires me to try go above and beyond the normal person, he always looks at something with a interesting perspective and I find that he stands for what he believes in. He knows what he wants and doesn’t let anyone get in his way, he respects everyone and only puts out his best work and work he’s proud of.

below is the image of all of these people and myself.