I’ve spent my whole life in Vancouver, out of everywhere I travel I always love returning back to my home Vancouver. I have no idea what it is but I just over my home city Vancouver, maybe it’s the people or just the beautiful surrounding but I lobe every part of it. But surprisingly I’ve never really learned or invested any time in looking into the history of Vancouver. In PLP we just had a whole unit on looking into a certain event in Vancouver/Canada and also looking at a past problem during the “interwar period”. I was really interested in this unit as I live in Vancouver and I could really relate to it and got to learn a lot about my home city. The main driving question for this unit was “Through the emergence of Vancouver was the experience the same for everyone?”. And the main project for this unit was to make a podcast using this driving question and creating a group podcast with three other group members explains the events and to include interviews to further the podcast.

With only a little bit of introduction to this unit we started off with going to the Museum of Vancouver to look at Vancouver’s history and find some topics that we could use in our podcast. Before we left we were given some different ideas of topics and I was more interested in the immigration topic and the one about city development in Vancouver. The museum was fairly big and had a lot of parts to it, my favourite section was probably the one with all the neon lights and talked about how Vancouver used to be the city with the most neon signs in the world. I learned a lot about Vancouver’s past and the beginnings of Vancouver, and even why it’s called “Vancouver”. We did make a video of everything we did in the museum of vancouver and We also added some pictures of my group working on our project, we do have a behind the scenes video but this is more of a fun just showing what we did in the museum.

After going to the museum we were given our topics and our groups that we were to work in for this unit, I got paired with Spencer, Claire and Sydney and out topic was “Immigration”. We started off with looking for a event within the interwar period that we could focus on, it did take


some time but we finally settled on an event where a group of Jewish immigrants coming from Germany in the 1930’s was turned around from coming to Canada because they only were accepting farmers and people who could help our country at that time to come into Canada. We were all very interested in this idea and quickly got to researching about how we could relate this topic to a more modern event of immigration in Canada. Sydney has family  friends who have experienced Immigration into Canada first hand from The two Children they had adopted, we made a group email asking if we could use her for a interview in our podcast. After we requested an interview from a border officer that works at the Canadian border, Sydney’s dad had a contact at the border so we also emailed inquiring for a interview.  While doing this project we had the task of making a “behind the scenes” video of the creation of this podcast, here is that video.


After setting up our interviews we started to gather up all our research to make and perfect a script for the podcast. We really wanted interesting and important questions for our interviews as an interview is meant to further and enhance the overall assignment so we wanted to definitely nail this area of the podcast. We spent plenty of time going back and reading through the script perfecting it and adding the right amount of information but also making it interesting and enjoyable to listen to. I’m not much of a fan of writing but this script was very interesting to make as I was learning a lot about the equality rights in Canada, I learned a lot more about the country I live in and it was very interesting seeing how the rules and requlations have changed over the years.

After we stared recording our script and gathered up all the interviews, we needed to nail the


And finally after the podcast we had a final task, we had to write a 500-700 word essay about our topic. For my groups topic we decided to write about immigrants with disabilities and how poorly they are treated. Our argument was that the immigrants should have more rights to be able to immigrate into Canada. I started researching and watching videos about immigrants with disabilities in Canada and I was shocked upon how poorly they are treated. Some examples would be of family’s that have tried to immigrate into Canada an done family member would have a disability, no matter how big or small the disability the whole family would be turned around and would not be able to enter Canada. In my essay I used several instances like this to further my opinion and try persuade the reader if they had the opposing opinion. We then had to compile all the essays in our group and make a big essay including the ideas from our essays. After making this final essay we would email it to Terry Beech, a Canadian politician. Overall this project wasnt my favourite but it was a very important project, we all learned more about Canada the country we live in and major problems within the country. It’s very important to get involved and learn about what’s happening in your own country or the world. The essay helped me a lot with writing as I know this won’t be the final essay of the year. I’m very proud of every deliverable I did in this unit and I can’t wait for what the next project is.