The main assignment for the PLP 10 Planning unit was to do a job shadow assignment, we had to find a job that we could have an interest in and the reach out in the community and find a person working in this job that would be willing to set aside a day to let us do a job shadow. I have no idea what I want to do in the future, at first I had no idea to who I could shadow but I did know that my mom has lots of contacts. I reached out to a couple people that my mum knew through her job, she’s a mortgage specialist for RBC and has made several friends from her clients. One of the people I had contacted was Danny Clark, Danny is a plumber and the owner of DRC Mechanical. He’s a Plumber, Electrician, and he works on several construction sights. I arranged a job shadow with him scheduled or Monday, June fourth. I met him in the morning at around 8 AM, I introduced myself and told him a little bit About PLP and the project that had been given. 

First we went to one of his clients homes, he needed to plan out where the pipes for the toilet and shower would go in a upstairs washroom of a house that was being built. It was really interesting because I actually now understand just how much work it takes to make a house. It involves so many people and so much time. As we were driving to the clients house I asked him several questions such as why and how he came into the trades business and what he finds most enjoyable about his job. He said he loves his job because he doesn’t have to sit in an office all day, he gets to meet new people everyday. His job involves a lot of problem solving and pressure, weirdly enough the said he enjoys being pressured as it forces him to evolve his ideas. After finishing up at his clients house we got back in his car and headed to the district library on Lonsdale. The main water pipes were corroding so he hade to change the valve. It was really interesting as I had got two different sides to his job, I got the standard housing fixtures, but also where he goes out into public buildings. I really liked the aspect of meeting new people through this job, I also loved that every day is different so it never gets repetitive. I wasn’t quite interested in the planning out where the fixtures would go as it was very time consuming and could get very frustrating. I asked Danny a lot of questions about his job as I was actually generally interested in what he had to say, below is a list of the questions I asked and his responses.

I was quite suprised that plumbers earn so much a year, I’d never of known that a plumber could even earn that much in just one year. I agree with Danny that cleaning toilets does not seem fun at all. I’m kinda a germaphobe so I dont think I’d ever want to clean someone else’s toilet but hey, you get paid a lot. This was a great experience, I learned so much about something I never knew could be so interesting. I’m still not sure that I’d want to be a plumber or electrician but it’s definitely a idea. Danny’s a really cool guy and I couldn’t be more thankful for this learning opportunity. There was also another final part to this assignment, we had to write a thank you letter to our person who had taken us alongside them for the day. I spent quite a lot of time on my thank you letter as I was genuinely thankful for what Danny had shown and taught me. My thank you letter is down below and again Danny I cannot thank you enough.