So last Wednesday seycove had a day where all the grade 9’s had theimg_0369 choice to go to career day, which is basically where you go to one of your parents jobs for one whole day to see what it’s like to work in their environment, and maybe learn new skills and get an idea of a job you might like to do in the future. So in PLP 9 we would have to create a blogpost to go along with our experience, including – a description of the job you observed – what you liked best/least about the experience – what surprised you the most about you observed, heard, did, or learned – would you consider a career in this type of industry? Why or why not? – from your perspective, identify aspects of the job that were positive and negative. – did the job shadowing experience influence your career choice/goals? How? For my career day I didn’t have much choice as to where I could go as both of my parents work at RBC- Royal Bank of Canada, I decided to go with my mom because my dad sits in an office cubicle all day answering phone calls, my mom works from home most of the time but she said she would take me to the Lonsdale branch and introduce me to everyone who works there and, give me an idea to just how many jobs there are in a bank. My mom is a mobile mortgage specialist which is basically helping people purchase residential properties (buying homes). In the morning I really didn’t want to go because I thought got banking was all about math and staying in an office all day, when we got to the bank my mom was introducing me to everyone who worked there, we must’ve been doing that for like two and a half hours (lots of shaking hands), I met some really funny people, everyone was always joking around and having lots of fun, nobody who worked in that bank looked like they where bored. And to my surprise every one who my mom introduced me to didn’t like math, everyone said that math is the easiest thing about the job because you had a calculator in your office and a computer to help you whenever you needed it, they said the most important skills of the job where problem solving and people skills (resolving problems, and talking/helping people) which are two major skills in PLP. My favourite thing about this experience was meeting all these people and learning about their jobs and why they like what they do, I found it very interesting listening to them and asking them questions. My least favourite thing about this experience was watching my mom work, she basically was just typing on her keyboard for an hour and a half and I found it very boring sitting in an office typing away. Another one of the things I enjoyed about this experience was going into the money vault

img_0354and seeing all the money stored in the back of the bank, it reminded me of some of my favourite movies like Point break, and Heat where robbers would go into the banks and steal lots of money. An interesting thing that happened was when I was sitting with one of the tellers at the front of the bank named Guy, he’s a really funny “guy” and was really fun to talk to. He showed me a suspected phoney check, it hand to different peoples hand writing on it with two different colours of pen on it. He told me that a lot of his job is helping people with money and also looking for fake money/checks almost like a detective, I’ve always thought of being a police officer when I’m older because I like helping people and solving problems. I learned a lot about bank king and what different jobs there are inside a bank, would I consider a job in a bank?, probably not because I like moving around a bit more and not sitting in one spot all day but I can say that I respect the job a lot more now that I’ve seen what it’s like and know a lot more about it. I think some positive aspects of the job are helping people with any problems they have, meeting lots of new people, always a new thing/problem everyday. And some negative aspects of the job are that it’s very stressful, some clients will always complain and be rude, if you have an office job you will be sitting in that room for a lot of the day.
This job shadowing experience did influence my career goals, it thought me that something you would never even think of doing mightimg_0352 actually be fun and interesting, I still really don’t want an office job as I’d like a job where you can move around more but I can respect this job a lot more now. Overall this might not of been my favourite or most fun thing I’ve done at school but, it’s thought me a lot and I meet some really cool people during this day, and I can now respect my moms job a lot more and understand why she’s stressed sometimes.