Category: Uncategorized (page 4 of 5)

Chicken and waffles

Lately in class we’ve got into our new Heath and Career unit and have been assigned a new mini assignment, the assignment was to make a self portrait of ourselves made out of the food we eat, we had to include our name in the image and make it only out of the food that we eat. Before making this image we had to watch four different video reaching from around 8-20 minutes. These videos where all about Healthy living and eating but in different forms. The one video that impacted me the most and kept me thinking was the first one, It was about a guy. He basically used various different habits to get healthy, he used sanitation that’s supposed to lead to the healthiest living possible. He ended up saying that you could become too healthy and then it becomes unhealthy, his ended up becoming very disconnected with his friends and family and they started thinking he was weird by his choices.

The next part of this assignment was too look at the foods and choices we make. Usually every morning for breakfast I’ll have some waffles or a fruit smoothie, waffles aren’t exactly the healthiest choice for the most important meal of the day so I guess I could change that. I also consume a lot of meat and vegetables, I don’t often eat too many fruit every day so I need to change that as well. I usually burn a lot of calories each day, not so much on school days as I’m sitting down most of the day but on weekends I’ll be hiking or doing something quite active with my friends. I know I’m not the healthiest guy and some food choices I make aren’t the greatest either but if I change my eating habits and swap some foods out with healthier choices I could become a lot healthier and become way more active. I hope to change my habits and become a lot healthier, I love sports and just doing active things with my friends and changing my habits would be great.

The final part of this assignment was to create a self portrait of ourselves made of the food we eat, I’m not a picky eater so I had a lot of foods to choose from. I used photoshop to cut out images of the food that I eat and put them on top of an image of myself, after selecting the food and putting it overtop I saved the image and then used Snapseed to add my name in with a font that I liked.

Processed with Snapseed.

By looking at the picture you can obviously see that I don’t eat the healthiest foods, but there’s actually quite some healthy stuff too. I have apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, broccoli, sushi, chicken, and salad. All of this food is what I usually eat but as I’m not a picky eater there’s so much food that I love that I didn’t include, I do wish to change my habits to become a lot healthier and over alll feel better.

This assignment was overall very interesting, I learned a lot more about dieting and the worlds food problems. I also loved making the portrait of myself as it was very fun and entertaining, I can’t wait to see what my friends images look like.

Destination Reincarnation

A few months ago we had the regional Destination Imagination tournament. I’ve already created a blog about this which you can find here. This time we had the provincial tournament which was basically the same but teams had improved overall from the critique from last time, or for my groups case re-doing our whole project. Provincials was the last part of DI for us this year and Seycove had an amazing year.

Every group had revising to do and that’s where my group started. For my group we started with re doing the whole project, why? Must you ask. Well if you’ve read my last DI post you’ll know that we never fully completed the challenge, you’ll know that we never actually built a hatchery so to do better in provincials and be able to compete to come in first we had to come up with a whole new story and restart our whole project. We started with finding an outer community problem that we could use, Of course with Ryan, and Alex being in our group it had to be something involving a sport. Ryan’s problem that he suggested was to create an instructional video for the Mount Seymour Little league baseball league, the video would show how to properly do field prep to ensure that no one gets hurt. Usually if not done properly there will be a lip created between the grass and gravel sections, which the ball can roll off and hit someone. With it being so close to DI we asked if we could use our new problem, our teachers said it was interesting and that we’ll have to work very hard. Me and Ryan went down to the baseball field down in Myrtle park to take pictures of the poorly kept field, we then created a model to demonstrate and show where the lip would be if poorly prepped. While Me and Alex made the model, Tatum worked on the story and script and Ryan helped Tatum use “baseball terms” to make the script more “baseball like”. Tatum also put a baseball team logo on a baseball for our impact prop, and Alex and Tatum brought a background for the presentation.
On the day of provincials I was very nervous because we hadn’t fully gone over the whole presentation with all our materiels and Ryan wouldn’t be there, Alex had two parts to play and neither Alex or I had memorized the script. It was a lot more stressful at provincials as there were a lot more teams and people, plus we had our main presentation at 11:00 am which meant we had around two hours to practise. We never fully memorized the script but we remembered about half, a lot of the time during the presentation me and Alex were looking at the audiences feet as we had put a TelePrompTer app on Alex’s iPad. At the end of the day we didn’t come in first but we where very proud of what we did, we worked hard and all tried.

Inspiring people

We all have people we look up to, people we inspire to be like, they make us try harder and impress us constantly. For this project we had to choose five of these people, we had to write a prargraph on each person showing why they inspire us. Each of these people inspire me to try harder and do my best, to never give up and always try again.


Muhammad Ali:

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” Muhammad Ali is an inspiration to millions, he was said to be the the best heavy weight champion boxer. If you have no idea who Muhammad Ali is he was born on January 17, 1942, He grew up loving boxing. From early on in his career he was known to be inspiring and controversial. He converted to Islam and changed his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali, he said Cassius was his slave name. He set a great example for African Americans as he resisted to white domination during the 1960’s civil rights movement. He also refused to be drafted into the us military, due to his religious beliefs he opposed to the American involvement in the Vietnam war. Eventually he was arrested and found guilty of draft evasion charges, he was stripped of his boxing titles. He eventually appealed the Supreme Court which overturned his eviction. He sadly passed away on June 3rd, 2016 the whole world lost a great hero that day and he will never be forgotten. Muhammad Ali is an amazing role model as he always said to never give up no matter how painful it is, he was a true hero and he inspires me to try be the best I can be.

Steve jobs: Everyone knows who Steve jobs is, Steve was the founder of the well known company Apple. The reason why Steve inspires me is because he started this whole movement of the smart phone, his dreams of technology have completely changed the world we know today. He’s changed the way people do things and think, he’s changed everything and he inspires millions. Apple is one of the well known brands, everyone knows who they are. They’re a household brand and

Steve had amazing ideas for the company, he did pass away on October 5th, 2011 but his legacy will live on through his amazing products and generation changing ideas. He inspirers me to work hard and always try my best no matter how crazy the idea seems, he inspires me to be different and never give up no matter how hard it gets.

Martin Luther King Jr: As soon as we where given this project Martin Luther King Jr. was the first inspirational person I knew I was going to do. He’s inspired millions around the world and he sone of the most inspirational people I can think of. Martin was a civil rights activist and used non violent ways based on his Cristian beliefs, he wanted equality for all races no matter the person. He used his words as weapons, racial equality is still a problem today but thanks to Martin it isn’t as big. One of my favourite quotes he’s said is “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” He wanted equality so bad and through fighting back with his words he was given a noble peace prize. Sadly on April 4th 1968, he was assassinated his death was followed riots in many U.S. cities. In 1971 numerous cities and states stated the Holiday Martin Luther king day. Hundreds of streets in Washington have been renamed in honour to this hero. He’s inspired me to always fight for what you believe in, and respect everyone no matter who they are.

Sir Robert Bryson Hall II (Logic): If you know me, logic is my favourite music artist period. He’s inspired me so much but not just from his music, outside of the music Logic is probably the nicest person you’ll ever meet. His motto is PLP which is kind of fitting for this class room, it means Peace Love and Positivity and Logic always wants everyone to be equal as he is bi-racial. When he was growing up in Maryland his dad was never around, his mom was a drug addict, his sisters where raped by there boyfriends, and his brothers where all drug dealers. When he was young Logic wanted to stay away from all of this stuff as he though it was horrible, he said he’s glad all of this happened because if it didn’t he wouldn’t be where he is today. He tried his whole teenage life to become a rapper after being inspired by the Wu Tang-Clan, he loved hip hop and wouldn’t stop until he made it. He realesed several mixtapes but his first album was named Under Pressure, this is what got him well known but his next album would be even bigger. It was named The Incredible True Story and it’s my favourite album he’s ever done, I love how it ties into with his other albums if you listen to the narrative that’s in this album. He inspires me because he tried his hardest his whole life until he made it as a rapper, he always respects his fans and doesn’t care about getting money he just cares about if his fans enjoy his music. I love all his music and can’t wait until he drops another album.

Kendrick Lamar: Kendrick Lamar is one of the greatest rappers of all time, but he’s also one of the best story tellers. Each of Kendrick’s songs transport you into his mind and tell a story, each song has something to say and creates a big story. He often talks about police brutality and other disgusting problems, but he also makes fun songs, I find him very inspirational because he talks what’s on his mind and brings the knowledge of what horrible things are happening to younger kids to know what’s wrong. His music is very inspirational and he uses

a lot of metaphors, so it’s interesting to go back and listen to each song. Each song has a deep meaning and it’s very interesting how he tells his stories. Kendrick inspires me to try go above and beyond the normal person, he always looks at something with a interesting perspective and I find that he stands for what he believes in. He knows what he wants and doesn’t let anyone get in his way, he respects everyone and only puts out his best work and work he’s proud of.

below is the image of all of these people and myself.


My Canada

What does Canada mean to you, what does it mean to be Canadian?, that’s the question we where asked in class that took all of us quite a few minutes to come up with an answer. People from the website Here’s me Canada came to our class and presented us with a challenge. They wanted each and every one of us to create a 30 second To me Being Canadian means that your respectful, that we are all very proud of the country we are from or live in. Canada is a multicultural country that is accepting of all nationalities and races. My Canada is nature, my Canada is going on hikes with friends in the beautiful nature, I am so thankful that I was born in Canada I couldn’t imagine growing up anywhere else. I really enjoyed this little challenge because our video could be about anything, it just had to show what Canada means to us, it let us use our imagination to the fullest capacity and it was great fun. For my video I used footage that I had on my iPad from the new year. Every year in deep cove there is a tradition called the Penguin Plunge, the penguin plunge is when a bunch of people from all over Vancouver or anyone who wants to do it runs into the water on the deep cove beach. Due to it being winter the water is freezing and usually people like to go in wearing costumes, I do it every year and it’s really fun seeing everyone screaming in the freezing water wearing ridiculous costumes. I decided to use this for my video because it shows just how fun and great canada is, it shows how Canada is multicultural with all the different people running into the water and just having fun. I edited my video using iMovie, I wanted to use shots that were bright and colourful, because the video could only be 30 seconds long I wanted to use shots and angles that would be more interesting to look at. I decided to not use any dialogue in my video to just show off the craziness of the penguin plunge, I added some music over to make it more enjoyable and it didn’t take to long to edit. My very first draft was completely different it was me and some friends hiking up quarry rock, I changed it to the penguin plunge as I found it more interesting and fun to watch as my first video was quite boring and uninteresting. Below is my video I hope you enjoy watching it, and also check out the Here’s My Canada website to watch other great videos made by people all over Canada.


Destination imagination

Destination imagination, all I ever heard from my friends that where in plp last year was that its the worst thing they’ve ever done, that its like hell. So from the start I pretty much had no confidence and was dreading doing it the second I found out I was in plp but lets just say that it actually wasn’t that bad. From the start I was actually very happy with the group I was placed in, my group consisted of Ryan, Alex, Tatum and myself. My group was very well balanced and we where all happy with who we where partnered with.
Planning: So are challenge that we got was the project outreach challenge, we had to find a problem in a community and solve the problem. We kind of already knew what we where going to do from the begging, our plan was to build a model of a mini hatchery that could purify water and create a safe hating area for the cutthrought salmon that live in the stream near Alex’s house, we never actually built a real hat hatchery as that would cost thousands of dollars and we didn’t have that sort of budget. We did build a model of the hatchery out of wood and glue that kept falling apart due to people knocking it over (willemse wasn’t to happy about that). To present our challenge we had to implement the problem into a fairy tale and have main characters who are not human, Tatum wrote the script and apparently it was very good because that was one of the best parts of our presentation. Me and Ryan where the main characters of the story, the story is that Timothy the trout has a best friend named Bruce the bear, one day Timothy is swimming around and runs into a bunch of garbage, the local troll rags has been polluting the stream so Bruce comes up with a plan to create a hatchery and water purifying system. Bruce shows Timothy his plan and they decide to go talk to rags about it, rags agrees that he’ll move away from the stream and try to stop polluting as much, Timothy and bruce build a small model design of the hatchery and are ready to build the real one but the city dwellers tell them they can’t build it due to the permit restrictions. In the end Timothy and Bruce are saddened by the results but decide to make another plan to fix their problem. The ending reflects upon how we couldn’t get permits to actually build a hatchery and how we didn’t have enough money to carry out the plan.

Destination imagination: 6:30 AM, my alarm was ringing and DI was just starting. We had to meet at St. George’s at 8:00 AM for the opening of DI, I was very nervous as I hadn’t fully memorized my script and I wasn’t sure how many people we had to present in front of. We also had to do a team challenge before our presentation so we could be evaluated on our teamwork and ability to solve challenges. All I can say is that my team crushed the challenge, I’m not really sure I can say what the challenge was but we almost got maximum points and we all worked as a team to complete it. I can personally say that DI is very hectic, there isn’t an age restriction so there are a bunch of younger grades running around and doing stuff I personally think shouldn’t be done at a big important presentation like this. I found it very distracting and annoying but the most annoying thing about DI was their planning, while waiting to do the team challenge they where half an hour late so we had to wait around and we could’ve spent that time rehearsing our lines. Another time was when, at the end of DI you all move to the gym To receive awards and find out which teams did the best, that usually starts at around 4:30-5:30 PM but we had to wait in the gym all the way to 6:00 PM just so they could say that they where experiencing technical difficulties. They could of just told us that twenty minutes after their computers not working but they didn’t and had to extend it out.

Presentation & Scoring: So, it was around forty minutes before we had to do our presentation, all my group memebers and I where in a class room a few doors down practicing the lines and growing through the presentation to make sure we knew what we where doing. Around twenty minutes before go time and we started heading down to the presentation class room, we brought everything we need like the “ghetto backdrop” we made (Ms. Willemse hates it when we say that), each of the costumes we made ( I was dressed as a bear, Ryan was a trout, Tatum was the fairy narrator and Alex was rags the troll). We went down early so we could answer the questions that one of the judges had about are presentation like “will your presentation use live explosives or anything that goes boom”, we answered her questions and moved into the room. I looked to the crowd of around twenty five people and all faces seemed familiar, I could see most of my class mates, my family, and my wonderful teachers. Ok so now is when we really started feeling nervous, the model of the hatchery we mad had made fell over so me and Alex where taping it back together as Tatum and Ryan fixed the backdrop. We all got our costumes on and set everything up, we hadn’t fully memeorized the script so for good measure ryan had put the script in a TelePrompTer app on his iPad and set it up behind a box in front of us just in case. We all got behind the backdrop and Tatum walked to the front to start the narration, Soon after Ryan walked in and said some of his lines and soon after that it was my turn. I walked to the front and said my first couple lines, the crowd laughed, they loved our script. We where told that everyone loved all the humour and it was a good change from all the other groups that had very dark stories. Our background did fall over so me and Tatum had to hold it up for half of our presentation time, the judges loved our story and execution. We where the only senior team doing project outreach so there was no possible way to come in second, we still tried our best and I think it showed off. For Regionals my group has to redo the whole challenge, we have to find a new problem, Ryan have alex have suggested that we donate money to help Field prep at MSLL (mount Seymour little league). It wo uld would make a safer and cleaner environment for the kids playing baseball. We would make an instructional video showing how to properly prep the field and revolve a fairytale around it. I personally think DI isnt the greates thing in the world but it’s definitely not the worst thing I’ve ever done, it builds public speaking skills, team building skills, willemse and Hughes points, leadership. These are all skills id love to improve and i hope to improve throughout the rest of the year. By the end of the year i hope to score higher with DI regionals and achieve bigger with my goals, DI was pretty fun and id like to see how it turns out next year. (Below is a video my friend Alex uploaded of our presentation)

SLC blog post!

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Florida was great

My journey started at 3:00 AM, alarm screeching, suitcases rolling. Plp 9 was about to take flight, we where headed to the Vancouver airport. Our quest was to create a video explaining what draws us to imaginary worlds, so what place would be better to film in than Disney world. We met at the airport at 4:30 AM, two flights where ahead of us a Vancouver to seattle, then seattle to Florida. We where all very tired and security was just another block ahead of us. Me and my friends thought it was hilarious when our friend kyle got stopped as his suitcase was full of liquids like shower gel (he wasn’t too happy). I sat next to my friend Will on the first flight and we decided to watch the master piece of a film Sharknado The 4th Awakens. When landing in Seattle I quickly ran to the nearest Starbucks in need of a nice cup of coffee to wake me up, my plan was ruined when mr Hughes said the line was too long so I quickly grabbed a sandwich and Gatorade instead. On the flight to Florida I sat next to my friend Kyle, the flight seemed really long as I watched two of my favourite movies Straight Outta Compton, and Pulp Fiction.

Are first day in Florida was spent in the magic kingdom, we where up bright and early for rope drop so we could go on the most popular rides. The first ride up was “Seven Dwarves Mine Train” and then splash mountain, getting there early was a great idea because the lines get massive and its more enjoyable not waiting in long lines. We stayed for around twelve hours which was exhausting but all worth it at the end, the fireworks in the magic kingdom where spectacular, a great end to an amazing day.

Our second full day of being in Florida was spent at Universal Studios, this was definitely my favourite place of the whole trip.
Universal studios is amazing, the rides are a lot more intense than the rides at Disney, but universal isnt as immersive and magical as Disney world due to the theming. My favourite ride there was The Rip Ride Rocket, it’s a very extreme roller coaster that has many twists and turns, it was my favourite ride of the whole trip becasaue it was just so fun.

The third day we went straight to a wildlife reserve, we went on a peaceful nature walk to see what wildlife we could find after we went on a scenic drive to get pictures of crocodiles, we then stopped by to go on an airboat. The airboat was really fun, the feeling of air rushing through my hair as we rush down on a big air boat felt really cool. Another great experience that day was eating alligator meat, it was very salty but surprisingly good even my friend Robbie liked it which is very weird due to him being very selective with food.

After an an amazing sleep and a few too many coffees we where up and ready for our next adventure. Today’s plan was to go Surfing! I was quite nervous as I had never been surfing before, but after some training we where all ready to head down to the beach. Standing on the edge of the water with my board was quite exciting, me and my friends all paddled out to the instructors. I wasn’t very good at it but i always got back up on my board and kept trying. Surfing was great fun and i think of could get a lot netter woith Moore practise. Our next stop was Astronaught training at one of nasas visiting centres. It was very interesting and i learned a lot about what technology nasa uses, how the astronauts work in space, and how to land properly land a space shuttle (sorta).

After a tiring day of surfing we headed to over to nasas Kennedy space centre, i was very excited as i love learning about space and other worlds. I was actually really sick this day so I wasn’t fully there but it was still very interesting. Some people got to gon on an extra tour that went around showing the control room of the first moon mission. It was very cool but i just couldnt stay awake and actually fell asleep for like five minuets. After we got to go have a great lunch meet up with an astronaut. I cant recall his name but he lets us ask him questions, it was just great getting another perspective from someone who has actually been into space (he also had a great sense of humour).

EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) was probably the breaking point for a lot of people. I can agree that Walt disneys invision for it seemed really cool but I couldn’t stand Epcot. In my opinion the rides where uninteresting and very boring. The best part of Epcot was definitely all the different countries inside of it, there  is a section of Epcot where there are little sections dedicated to other countries. The cool thing about this is that each person that works in that country is acually from that country so your can ask them questions and it’s just really cool getting those stories. Epcot was definitely my least park of Disney world but I’m still glad we went.

Next park up was animal kingdom, this park was amazing. Thoughout the trip i had constantly been filming the trip to get footage for my video but today was the day I literally filmed almost everything. Our project was to make a video showing how a ride from disney world draws us in to the imaginary world, and how we are drawn to imaginary worlds. My ride that i chose was the ride named “Dinosaur”. Making this video taught me a lot, before leaving for Florida we learned a lot about shooting videos and how top make a good well thought out video. But actua;l;y filming and choosing the right angles to further and make the story more interesting was very fun, and useful to filmmaking. I loved the rides in the animal kingdom especially the ride titled “Everest”. It’s a great ride and probably one of the best rides in disney world. Animal kingdom was great and definitely a highlight of the trip.

So the last full day of the trip, this day was interesting. Hollywood studios was the name of this disney park and its pretty good, some of the best rides in this park are holly wood tower of terror, star tours, Aerosmith, and many more. My favourite ride in this park was probably tower of terror as i sat next to my dear teacher Mr. Hughes which was hilarious, listening to his comontary as the story of he ride played out was very funny and each time the ride dropped you could hear him screaming at the top of his lubgs and see him grasping to the nearest wall. Another great thing at Hollywood studios is the Indiana jones stunt show, its a live show where stunt men/women show how they did some of the stunts in the Indiana jones movies. It’s one of the coolest live shows I’ve seen because they use real explosives and fire in their show, its really exciting and the stunts are very dangerous so its great fun to watch, I cant wait to come here again just to watch that show. I personally loved disney world and I’m definitely going back so i can share the experience with my family.

Ok so my favourite thing about are very last day in Florida was definitely sleeping in, we got to wake up at 8:00 AM!!!
Packing was horrible as i had bought so much stuff it was so hard to fit everything in my carry on, had a big breakfast so I wasn’t hungry on the plane. I was just really sad that the trip was over, I’ve never experienced anything like this before, this is my first year
In PLP and its been the best learning experience I’ve ever had, I’ve learned so much skills like public speaking, growth mindset, technology, language, writing essays, plp is definitely the best way of learning and i love it. The Plane ride home was terrible, i had to sit next to strangers that where they the nicest people, ran out of movies to watch so I listened to music for almost five hour straight. When we landed my mom was so happy to see me i thought my friends where going to pry her off of me. That’s night I slept for 12 hours straight and woke up with the amazing memories of the trip. Thank you again Ms. Willemse, and Mr. Hughes for planning this amazing trip and thank you Ms. Arnold and Ms. craven for coming belong with us.

Down below is a little video that I made showing what we did in Florida.






Chem lab post

Recently in science we have been learning about the science of rockets, in PLP we have been learning about wonder and imaginary worlds so the idea of going to space by rocket kind of fit into that idea, in about just over a week we are going to Florida for 10 days. While in Florida we will be visiting the Kennedy space centre which is a big visitors centre where you can learn a lot about NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). In class we did an experiment where we got a sheet of aluminum foil, we had to fold it up and put it in a beaker of copper chloride, the aluminum broke down into a powder. We took out the big pieces so we could clean the powder. We washed the powder down with water several times, sadly me and my parter only got to this part, but from observing my friend Kyle they put the powder into another chemical: hydrochloric acid, this cleaned the metal so it would burn better. Finally we put the powder onto paper towel and picked it up with tongs. We held the powder over a Bunsen burner and watched it burn, the flames around the metal glowed green causing a chemical reaction. Down below there is a video my friend Kyle made showing what we did.


Wonder post

So we started a new unit in class about fantasy! We started talking about wonder and why its important. We where put into groups and told to brainstorm about what wonder is, we then shared our ideas with the class. After we had a better idea of what wonder actually is we had to read an article about wonder, while reading we had four questions to answer

The first question was

How was Prinz’s experience with the ” Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus ” different from his parents? Why?

My answer was:

Prinz wanted a break from the bland boring world so the circus was good for him. Prinz would analyze every single thing that was happening in the circus from the green clowns, to the elephants that he seemed to enjoy, they made him wonder.
The second question was:

What are the three bodily symptoms Prinza postulates as components of wonder?

My answer is:

The three bodily symptoms Prinza postulates are sensory, we usually tend to stare at something and engage our scences if we believe it’s wonderful or nice to look at. Cognitive, if we see something we can’t relate to or is confusing we usually freeze and gasp. And spiritual, we tend to look up with respect.

The third question was:

How does Francis Bacon consider wonder?

My answer is:
Francis Bacon who is an English professor and inventor of the scientific method saw wonder as broken knowledge, no one can prove if it’s their, it can only be cured by science.

And the last one wasn’t really a question, we had to describe one moment in your life where you experienced wonder.

I can’t recall a certain time that I’ve experienced wonder but when I was little and went to Disneyland I always wondered how they made the theme park. As a kid Disneyland was magical and still is, you can live through some of the most well known kids movies and have an overall wonderful time while your there (until you get the bill). Everything in Disneyland looks like it jumped straight off the screen from the characters walking around to the actual Disney castle. Disneyland is massive and I always loved every second inside of it, I always wondered how they made everything look so perfect and made this theme park so magical. As soon as you walk into Disneyland your in a different world, you feel like you just stepped into the mind of Walt Disney himself, from all his crazy yet wonderful ideas. It’s truly one of the most magical places on earth, every time I’ve been I’ve been amazed by all the detail in everything in the park. Everything looks perfect and I’ll always wonder how they did such a good job at making the viewer feel like they are in that Disney story.

Harry Potter exhibition

For the first blue sky project in grade 9 PLP we had to each come up with a inquiry question that has to do with the theme of Harry Potter, we had many classes to think and brainstorm different questions and then share with the class to qrutique and revise are questions. The question that I chose to present was If the muggles knew about the wizarding world could it still function?. I had to do a lot of research as I have only read a few of the Harry Potter books and had watched all the movies but could not remember them, I watched all the movies again and took notes that would help me with the question that I had come up with. I then chose how I would present this question, I decided to make a video explaining how the wizarding world could or couldn’t work, and comparing the muggles finding out about the wizards to when the Spanish people colonized America. I compared these two very different situations because the Spanish people are basically like the muggles, they could come into the wizarding world like the Spanish came to America, because they better technology and they could try and take over. When the Spanish people came to America they took some of the native Americans back to Spain and treated them very poorly, they where tortured and brutalized, which the muggles could try and do to the wizards to try and get information out of them to learn magic. I decided to find what images/footage from the movie I would use in my video and then wrote my script. I then put my video together and recorded my voice over so I could spend time editing and revising my Video.

We got put into groups my group consisted of Alex, Ethan, Robbie, Michael, and ryan d (click on their name to go to their blogs). We got put into groups by what topic our project question was, my group was the world of Harry Potter. We had to decorate our presentation area like a part of hogwarts, the goal was to make the viewers feel like they just walked into the real hogwarts, make them feel transported to another world and make them feel like they are apart of that world. so my group chose the gryffindor common room. We decorted our section with Christmas lights, wallpaper, chests, Harry Potter memrobelia, and we each dressed up in Gryffindor robes to enhance the experience. We also had to create an interactive game that people could do to make our exhibition more fun, so we did pin the scar on Harry Potter which the kids seemed to enjoy. We also brought food that people could eat so we brought dragons milk (eggnog) liquorice wands (liquorice) and Bertie bots different flavoured beans (jelly beans), we even played Harry Potter music in the back ground to make them feel like they are in hogwarts. I thought presenting our projects would be really boring and that no one would really be interested in our projects but i was really suprised with the feedback that i heard and got from the visitors that came around and looked at our exhibition. All i heard was good feedback and it seemed like everyone really enjoyed themselves cause i certainly did, i enjoyed hearing the feedback about my project and that everyone seemed engaged and asked questions on how I compared the colonization of America to Harry Potter. Next time i would probably spend more on my project because like a week before the project was due we where in Seattle for 3 days i should of spent more time before going to Seattle on planning and perfecting my script, I also felt like my voice over for my video could of been a lot better because when i recorded it my through was really sore and it took awhile to record to make it sound ok. Presenting was really fun and i think the parents thought it was fun going around looking at all these interesting and different projects that everyone has put time into. At the end of the exhibition I wasn’t feeling to great because me and my friend Ethan drank a lot of dragons milk, and Ethan ordered a pizza which didn’t help. This was my first exhibition and I can say that I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to see how the next one goes.

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