Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and weaknesses. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.


Today I will be talking to you about the projects I think I’ve better improved on and the projects I could have done better on.
The project I think I improved on the best would be our revolution project, in this project we got to use our video skills learnt in maker to create videos about the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the American revolution. For this project if we didn’t do so well on the first video we could improve on the next. I found that this project is the best to reflect on and be able to improve on, and I found that my group really did improve as we worked through it.

The second project I think best represents my productive work is the scimatics project we are working on currently. For this project we got to choose our group, our driving question, and what we are doing to contribute, but we have to somehow incorporate like terms into our project. Me and Ally decided to pair up for this project, we decided to use both our strength in this project by doing something creatively engineered while using math. We decided to create an architectural model of our own creatively designed art museum made entirely out of popsicle sticks. As we are working on this we are also working on learning combining like terms, me and ally end up finishing fast so we are able to use our time more effectively for our project.


The project that I think I could have done better on would be our Star Wars exhibition project. For the maker side I was creating a storm troopers helmet. I found that during this process of creation I didn’t use my time effectively to spend better time on the helmet, if I managed this better I would have been able to have made a second prototype. The humanities side didn’t go well either, I had to miss a day for nutcracker and I found that I didn’t use my time effectively to complete my story drafts and that I wasn’t able to effectively wright it the way i wanted it to turn out.

Another project I think I could have better improved on was our chemistry unit. I found that during this unit I never really understood the concept of chemical bonding. Because of this I was unable to represent my animated chemical bonding story as well as I hoped. I really wish that I took the time to better concentrate and understand chemical bonding, As I look back now I wish that I went back to the curricular competencies and defined them further to my better understanding.

What is your learning goal that you want to reach by the end of this school year, and how will you meet it? My goal is to reflect back to the competencies that are required in project and represent them in my own words on my learning portfolio.

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