Frank and stuffys

In school we are learning about the environment and human (and animal) adaptation. To show our learning we created a story about an animals adaption to its environment. This was called our Frankinstuffys.

The first part of my franked stuffy journey was to create the story board for my epistolary stories. We had eight story’s to create however we only needed to make one storyboard. Sadly I misinterpreted the instructions and created eight storyboards, one for each episode of my story.

I then wrote my epistolary episodes. I have a separate post which includes all eight stories. I have inserted it below.

Fluffy’s Story

Once we had completed our story’s it was time to film our videos.

Draft 1

For this draft we where asked to give a list of things we where going to fix in our following drafts. My critique was;

1. Adding more seances
2. Improving the animation of the seal
3. Fixing the green screen effect
4. Making an improved title

This was all used to create my second draft.

Draft 2

Our teacher gave the hole class general notes for improvement in the second draft. This was to use more passion and to imagine that your making this movie for a totaler. This is because our videos where all to complex and boring. She also said that all the voices sounded sad and boring.

Final Draft

this draft was probably the most interesting. My teacher asked why I had a hand puppet, I explained that hand puppets are my passion.

The driving question behind this project was “who is in control? Man or environment?”. My answer is the environment is in control. This is because the environment is the one who’s changes can be devistating.

This was a very interesting project that really thought me about filming and storyboarding. Definitely a 10/10.

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