Fluffy’s Story

Episode 1
Day 1: Subject FOM31 (Fluffy) has been released. I am Dr.Krogmaga and I am head of this project. I will be documenting the events of project Mind Growth.

We have just released Subject FOM31, nicknamed fluffy, into south east Nunavut near Pangnirtung. Before being released, we have added twenty percent more grey matter to FOM31’s brain, resulting in an IQ of 120. Me and my team will be monitoring and documenting FOM31’s movements and survival.

FOM’s Anesthesia has just worn off. He is beginning to gain consciousness. The monitors we have planted on his body says his internal temperature is lower than it should be. This is probably due to him sitting still during winter in -50°C weather. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to this situation.

Entry Ono: Ok. I woke up in the middle of nowhere, I’m hungry, and I’m cold. I am NOT having a good day. My name is Fluffy and this is my journal. I’m writing in an effort to try and stay sane.

When I woke up this morning, I was lying in the middle of nowhere freezing my buns off with no idea of how I got there or where I was before. All I can remember is that my name is Fluffy.

I was quite hungry when I woke up so I decided to look for food. I look around and saw that on, my left, was a giant frozen body of water and on my right were some mountains. The frozen water didn’t really look like there was much there so I went to the mountain.

Everything was white. Even me! Once I went up the mountain a bit, I looked out over the frozen water and it was beautiful. Unfortunately you can’t eat beauty. I tried to eat some plant on the ground but it made me puke. As I was lumbering back down the mountain I saw a cave. I decided that it would be my home.

Episode 2
Day 2: FOM31 has just left his cave and is heading to a channel off of the Atlantic Ocean. This channel has no official name so we have named it aquarum portabit which translates to “bears water”. We believe he is making his way to aquarum portabit to find food. I predict that he will find his place in the food chain relatively quickly.

It seems as though my hypothesis was correct. FOM31 has indeed begun hunting seals. Interestingly enough he has developed a strange new style of doing so. FOM31 has been filling all but a few of the breathing holes that seals use. This has dramatically raised his odds of catching seals by giving them less holes to use. It seems that the increase in IQ has helped him survive in the wild.

Second Entry: I just got back from my first hunting trip and I’m stuffed. It took a bit of practice to do it right but it was worth it for the delicious food. I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ll start from the beginning:

When I woke up this morning, I was starving. Instead of moping around I decided to do something about it. I started heading to the water. It was a hard trek through all the snow. It was slow but I was determined. Once I’m more used to it, it’ll probably be easier.

While I was walking I saw an arctic fox eating a rabbit. I scared the fox away and ate the rabbit. The fox was too fast and wasn’t worth hunting. The rabbit was good but not quite filling enough so I kept making my way to the water.

Once I was there, I started seeing holes in the ice everywhere. Occasionally, a seal would peek it’s head out of the a hole and then dive back down. I figured that these were breathing holes so I covered a few with snow to increase my chances with the remaining holes.

After a few tries I managed to catch something. It was a pretty big seal. I think it was a Harp seal but I can’t really tell. Either way it was delicious.

I didn’t see any animals that really threatened me so I guess I’m on top of the food chain. I’m pretty happy about that. It means I only need to worry about food and I don’t have to be worried about being hunted.

This was definitely a good day.
Episode 3
Day 3: I have just herd a report from one of the scientists on the night shift and he says that FOM31 left his cave at night just to stare at the northern lights. This could definitely be taken as sign of intelligence. It is said that the concept of beauty is one of the hardest to truly grasp. That is why FOM31’s little night walk was so significant.

We have a problem. The oil company that owns aquarum portabit, the channel that FOM31 fishes in, have started drilling for oil in that area. So far FOM31 seems to be unaffected but our team will be having a meeting to discuss if we should move FOM31.

Entry Numoro Three: Last night I couldn’t sleep. I kept hearing noises down by the water so I went outside my cave to take a look. As I left the cave, I looked up at the sky and saw the most gorgeous thing.

The sky was cut and out of its wound came blood of all different colours. It bled all night and only stopped as the sun rose. It was spectacular.

Because I was awake for so long I woke up late in the morning. I decided to go back to the ice to fish. I got there a bit faster than yesterday. I guess I’m just getting better at walking though snow. Once I got to the water I noticed something different, there where people there. Not only that, they had set up some sort of base. I could hear them drilling into the ice but I had no idea what they were doing. I decided to leave them be.

After a few hours of fishing, I heard one of them yell something about an oil leak. This seemed like nothing to me so I kept on going about my day. It was fine at first but then I saw some black goop floating in the water. I still have no idea what it is. I came to the conclusion that it would probably go away by tomorrow so I went back to my cave.

Episode 3.5
Scientists United: Hello, I am Dr.Krogmaga from Scientists United. I am emailing to inform you that your drilling operation is endangering a scientific study that has been forty years in the making. I politely request that you cease your drilling.

Oil Inc.: Hello Dr.Krogmaga, this is Ima Richardson. Thank you for your email. I’m not in the habit of lying so I’ll just put it frankly: we are most definitely not stopping drilling. This is the most profitable we have been in days.

Scientists United: Dear Mr. Richardson. Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone found out about your little spill yesterday?

Oil Inc.: We’ll leave tonight.

Episode 4
Day7: We are a week into our two-week study and so far we’ve had only one upset. It was a big upset mind you, but still an upset. The oil company that moved into FOM31’s region had an oil spill. Luckily, we managed to appeal to their sense of logic and they stopped drilling and left the area. Unfortunately, the oil spill was overwhelming for the environment. As a result, all the fish have migrated south causing the seals to follow. We wanted to recapture OM31 and cancel the experiment but the higher-ups declined our request. Our best hope is to sit tight and pray that FOM31 can figure his way out of this.

This is the seventh entire: I have no idea how to get out of this situation. All the black muck in the water has caused the fish to swim away. No fish means no seals, no seals means no food, no food means no me. Maybe I’m just over reacting. I’m going to take a quick nap and hope everything looks and feels better when I wake up.

Number eight: Ok. My quick nap was more of a 18-hour nap. Crazy right? Well that’s not even the craziest part. When I woke up, I had grown antlers and a wired brown coat. I went outside for a breather and it was snowing really hard. I thought it would be hard to see but everything was illuminated in a blue glow, especially the plants. I went over to one of them and tried eating it. It was delicious. This is a good thing because I now have a new, reliable source of food.

Episode 5
Day9: We have just made a very interesting discovery. It seems that Subject FOM31 has evolved overnight. We are still figuring out if that’s even possible and will have to officially confirm that he has evolved. Until then, I will state the facts as we understand them.
This morning at 7:36 hours subject FOM31 left his cave. As he left, we observed that he had grown a set of caribou horns and bigger front paws. On another note, a new species has been seen migrating down from the far north of Canada. More specifically, along the east coast of Nunavut from Alert to Clyde River with very condensed sightings around Qikiqtarjuaq. We believe that FOM31 will have an encounter with this creature soon however we have no idea how he will react.

Day 9: I’m a little worried. It all started when I woke up. I started lumbering to my usual lichen eating spot. As I walked, I saw some animals that I thought would leave the area with the fish such as an ocean otter. Instead of leaving, it climbed out of the water and started hunting snow hares. This didn’t particularly frighten me, however when I arrived at my feeding grounds, I saw a strange animal I’ve never seen before. It had no arms, stubby legs, and a giant head. It was eating all my lichen! When I got back to my cave, I realized that there will definitely not be enough lichen for the both of us. That is why I’m going to set a trap for it.

Episode 6
Day 10: While looking at the film footage from yesterday, we believe that we saw an organism from the newly discovered species mentioned in yesterday’s log. There is no official name for this species yet but we are working to find a name suitable for the traits and characteristics of this extremely interesting species. Until then, we’ll just call it Species “N”. Unfortunately There is nothing much to report today. Subject FOM31 seems to be stock piling lichen. We believe he may be making a supply in case of emergencies. As I stated earlier, not much happened today.

Day 10: A lot happened today! Not only have I planned and prepared a cunning trap for Mr. No Arms over in the lichen patch, I also caught a nice juicy fox. The taste of the fox was amazing compared to the lichen! Don’t get me wrong, lichen tastes great, but nothing compares to fresh game. My plan for getting rid of that other “thing”
eating all my food is to lure it onto some thin ice, by using some lichen, then letting the “thing” fall into the freezing cold water. With no arms, it won’t be able to swim. I can’t wait to try this plan out. I hope it works.

Episode 7
Day 10: We have recently seen some strange activity in subject FOM31. He has been dragging lichen to a thin spot of ice on the body of water. This is very strange behaviour. We have scientists working on theories of why this is happening. So far we have come up with nothing. This could end up being quite dangerous for FOM31 because it could cause him to fall through the ice and into the oil filled water. The cold itself he can handle but the oil could cause skin, eye, and stomach damage. It could also reduce the insulating effects of his fur so he would have to eat more to stay warm and that could be difficult.

Entry 11-1=10: It’s done. That “thing” is gone. Once I laid out the lichen, I hid behind a snow drift and waited. It was a long wait but I was brutally determined. It wasn’t that bad. I was a little hungry but all that changed when I found out that my trap was also drawing animals like caribou to me. I managed to catch a caribou early in the day and it was a great meal. Once I was well fed, I went back to my hiding place. After a few hours I saw the “thing” walking towards my trap. Once it fell in I ran over to a snow pile I had made and dumped snow into the hole. This closed it up trapping the “thing” in the water. Afterward, I lumbered back to my cave and had a nap. I can rest easy now that I know I have nothing to worry about.

Episode 8
Day 14: It’s the final day for project Mind Growth. Four days ago subject FOM31 tricked species N into falling through thin ice. We tried to recover the body of Species N but it was no use. The water was too contaminated to send divers into it. If we did, the divers could incur injuries to their exposed skin and eyes and if ingested, it could damage their stomachs or worse. Either way, we have learned much during our experiments with subject FOM31. I feel as though he has grown so because he began knowing nothing about his environment and today he is thriving. In just two weeks we have witnessed cognitive growth and a change to his behaviours that suggest he is learning everyday. I feel like, after weeks of observation, I have made a connection with him emotionally even though it’s a one-way relationship. That is why I have decided not to recapture him and, instead, let him live free in the wild. The board members will most definitely not like this because they have invested a lot in this research. However, I have already made my decision and completed the required paperwork. Well I guess this is good bye FOM31.

Entry fourteen : Do you ever get the feeling that someone’s watching you? That was irrelevant to the topic so just forget I said anything ok? I’m going to pretend you said yes, you have had that feeling before.

On to the topic at hand! The reason I haven’t written anything on my wall for so long is a very good and detailed reason… I forgot.

Luckily, I now, four days later, have a ton of stuff to write about. Well, not a ton but still a fare bit.

The night after I trapped the “thing” in the ice hole of death, I saw some people crowding around the hole. They looked a little scary and it was getting late so I decided to leave them alone and lumber back to my cave. The next morning, I went hunting. I managed to find a rabbit but it had giant fangs and razor sharp talons. It seems like I wasn’t the only animal to experience a change.

In sadder news, I have decided to leave my current cave and head up north. This is because I am running out of food. I still have lichen but there’s not enough for me and the rabbits. If there’s no rabbits there’s no foxes and if there’s no foxes there’s no source of protein for me. That is why I’m going to leave. Maybe someday someone will find my wall and read it. Anyway, I better start walking.

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