Copious Camp Capilano

Hey world. I’m back again for another great year. In fact, to start off this great year my teachers took us on an overnight trip to CAMP CAPILANO.

Camp Capilano

For those of you who aren’t North Vancouver born and raised or for those who need a reminder, Camp Capilano is in the Capilano regional park near the Cleveland dam in North Vancouver.

What I Brought

We were going to be there overnight so I made sure to pack the essentials; a sleeping bag, spare cloths, swim trunks and a towel (there was a pool), a hoodie, and my iPad. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my charger so I had to borrow someone else’s when they weren’t using it. It all worked out though and I feel like I had the right amount of equipment for the trip.

Before We Left

We left on a Thursday so that meant school was still on. We planned  to leave after our second class. My first class was science. We covered some points on safty in the lab but my second class (Maker) was probably the most important. It was a briefing from our teachers about what we were going to be doing during our trip. They said that we would be busy the whole time and sleep would be more of a luxury then a necessity. And they were right! Once the briefing was over we got on to the bus for a quick ride to where we thought would be Camp Capilano. Unfortunately we where quite mistaken.

The Dam

Once the bus stopped at its destination we became quite confused. They hadn’t stopped at Camp Capilano. They stopped at the Cleveland Dam. Once we got off the bus our teachers put us into groups of five and told us to make a reality tv into that shows of ten individuals with different personalities. The catch was we weren’t alowd to talk. My group consisted of Mimi, Ethan, Clair, andCalum so to make ten different people we would each have to play two characters. H

The Journey

After we finished our videos and sent them to one of our teachers, we where gathered into a group to be given a task. This task was to find our way from the dam to the campsite. Our teachers directed our attention to a standing map near the dam and showed us our route. I took a picture of the map just in case.

As our teachers got in the bus to drive to the camp we set off on our journey. The trails where pretty easy to follow and we had some people in the front guiding the group with a few in the back making sure no one was left behind.

It was a reasonably short walk that only took 15-30 minutes to complete. Once we arrived at the camp, we felt ready for lunch. Luckily that’s what our teaches thought too so we where told to go into the eating hall in our groups of five. We had a make your own burrito bar.


Once we got off the bus our teachers put us into groups of five and told us to make a reality tv show that includes ten individuals with different personalities. The catch was we weren’t allowed to talk. My group consisted of Mimi, Ethan, Clair, and Calum so to make ten different people we would each have to play two characters. Here is our creation.

The Assignments

We where given two assignments while at the camp. The first  was to create another video that shows ten different people with different personalities, but this time without visuals. The other was to create a 4 minute radio broadcast about a nonfiction story in the theme of identity.

My group decided to record the first  assignment as if it was the entry for a reality tv show we made before,  using the same characters. It turned out really well but the story was a little boring because it was just ten people saying they were “going to win” in different ways.

For the second assignment I got into a group with Kyle and Reid. After a long discussion we decided to do our story on Kyle’s hair. This is because Kyle has some of the most interesting hair you’ll ever find. It’s spiked up at the front but smoothed out at the back and the whole thing is as stiff as carbon fiber.

We kept on drafting different ideas for a script but when we finally decided on a format it worked well. It started off with people describing Kyle’s hair saying how cool it is. Then the narrator explains that you may think this is a new revolutionary device but it’s really Kyle’s hair. Afterward the broadcast goes in a cycle between Kyle telling stories of his hair, to interviews of people talking about his hair. It then leads to the conclusion and sign off of our radio station.

It took us a while to make it but it was worth it because this was a really cool project and I quite injoyed it.

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