Three Tremendous Goals

Well I’m back world and its great to be here. So far in my Planing class we have been working on developing SMART goals. “What makes these goals so smart?” […]

What I Kari

Phones, wallets, advice, we all carry things throughout our daily lives. These things can be physical but they can also be mental such as memories or morals. I just so […]

Episode 1 Day 1: Subject FOM31 (Fluffy) has been released. I am Dr.Krogmaga and I am head of this project. I will be documenting the events of project Mind Growth. […]

In school we are learning about the environment and human (and animal) adaptation. To show our learning we created a story about an animals adaption to its environment. This was […]

DNA Dabbling

Science class is so cool. Where else can you build circuits, make copper, and create green fire? It even lets you become a mad man and tamper with DNA, MWAHAHAHAHA. […]