Why Do Religions Have To Be So Confusing?



Me and my amazingly educated class just went on a field trip. No, not one to the amusement park or the water slides but to four different religious temples/churches, but hey a field trip is a field trip.

The first temple we visited was a Hindu temple. Here are the pics:

(A Gaggle Of Gods)                                (The Mighty Mom)

The people that work at this temple change the clothes on the statues every week unless it is the all-powerful mother (right) in which case, your clothes are changed every day.


After our excursion we ventured to a Buddhist temple known as the Tebetin Thrangu Monastery. We also visited another Buddhist temple but I forgot its name so we’ll just call it Temple2.

Our next destination (and last) was a little lunch place. Did I mention that said lunch place was also a Sikh temple. We were offered rice pudding, nann bread, rice with vegetable curry and eggplant curry to eat.


After seeing so many temples in one day I got pretty confused, but it was a very important learning experience.

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