Your The Judge. Oh No. Set Me Free-ee.

In grade nine you are required to learn about what careers are available. To do this, my teacher had us take a career quiz by Education Planner BC. This quiz decided that I was best suited to be a judge. Who knew? Well, I guess the quiz did but thats besides the point.

To show our learning as well as our creative “geniusness” we created short movies on our future careers as well as how we got there. to summarize mine; I finished high school, went to law school, joined the reserves, went to war, came back, finished my degree, and became a judge. I thought it would be creative and artistic to use my head on stick figures. It turns out I was right.

This project was a fun way to introduce our future of careers. I definitely think this should be implemented in the mainstream curriculum because of how it makes you not only have to think of what career you’d like to pursue but also how to get there.

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