This blue sky project was a ton of fun I got to build a hovercraft for Pete’s sake! For this project I had to challenge myself to a task to make something that I was interested in and I had a month to do just that. First I had to fill out a form pitching my idea and hand it into the teachers. It was the first step to a fun project that was the best and hardest I’ve even done in high school. After that I made a plan and figured out how I was going to make the dam thing. Well thankfully it was easier than it sounds and before long bam! I had a plan after I knew how I was going to build it I got all the parts together and prepared them and laid them out in the order I would put them together. Next I started assembling the parts and tweaking them as it came together. Finally when it was complete I laid out tests for it and what ever could be improved on I improved on it. But if I could do it again I would probably leave more time to construct it and test it than I did but it came together and I was very happy about what I turned out to be. I really enjoyed this project and I’m really enjoying my time in flight.