Minions for a week

I dream of world domination. All of that can now be achieved through having my minions. I will have my minions build a cloning machine and clone billions of them. We will take over the world and create a black market we will explore other planets and take over the galaxy. My minions will be feared throughout the world and universe.

My minions will build bases underground and wait for my command to come out and take the worlds countries by force. Any effort to stop the empire will be useless and we will take over the world before you can say minion. I will build a black market and make and sell weapons of mass destruction and make an army and arm them with the latest weaponry in the universe.

My minions will explore the universe and find all the planets and rule them all under a iron fist of justice or evil depending on which side your on. If your on my side you will be rewarded greatly and if your against me….well you’ll find out mwuahahahahahaha! With these minions I will be unstoppable and no one will ever stand up against me.

I will hunt down the person who said that I can only have them for a week and either kill them orrrrrrrrr kick them of earth. Well it’s been great talking about my day tomorrow but I really have to go….my minions are waiting for me mwuahahahahahaha!


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