My country is named Whüg wøō I made this name out of cool looking letters and how it sounds. I’m going to have a democracy and I will look out for my people the laws will be fair for everyone and I will do my best to make it possible for everyone to have housing . My country will be a small coastal island where the landscape is mountainous and the weather is tropical with monsoons. It will be a great country, people will have fair and equal rights and where the economy is growing through our sea trade. Our main export and main income will be our seafood and cars from our factories. My country has a small land mass with a small population so that it’s not cramped but not to spaced out. My country will have mountains and great rolling hills. My country will have great hotels where people all over the world will come to stay in some of the best hotels with the best service. My country will be known for fishing and it’s seafood, it’s towering cliffs for BASE jumping and cliff diving. We will have a rich culture with religion leading us all into a peaceful co-existence where everyone is happy and there in little if not no crime. The music and arts we make are flowing and peaceful a little like Asia’s music where it has a mood to it (slow and peaceful=happy, quick and exciting=adventurous or mysterious) those are some examples of different music paces for different moods of music. My country will be an oasis for those with little things and an open to letting others look out for one another.