This week I learned #8

This week I learned how to make my own country. In flight we are making our own country with our own flag. We also have to make the climate and culture, such as there music and arts, there sports and religion, and what there famous for like my country is famous for there sea food. Yo have to choose if its a small medium or large land mass and population. You have to choose if its a land locked, coastal or and island. With the landscape you have to create your weather such as tropical monsoons or dry arid. You also choose what they eat mostly from a day to day basis. I found this project to be a lot of fun and we’re not even close to done yet so there’s lots more things heading my way! My teachers told us that we are also going to make a vacation commercial to make others from different countries want to come and vacation here which will probally be the hardest part…..not because my country is a bad place to vacation but choosing what to put in it and what people want to go on vacation for. But I’ve done smaller projects like this before and I’ve always enjoyed them but now I get to take it one step further and do things that I would never do in any other classes. The picture below is my flag.


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