Hot and cold weather Sports
Hot weather makes practices exhaust me
Cold weather, the rain chills me to my bones
As the red blazing sun burns down on thee
Shiver under a tent, feet over cold stones
We all long for the shade of a tall oak
Our bodies long for our toasty warm homes
Gone from the Sun I open a cold coke
The life giving hot coco warms our domes
As games start player’s energy released
The coaches encouraged and reassured
Score becomes tied and needs to be increased
Another point is scored and win secured
Through hard work and dedication the game is won
These incredible sports are very fun
Writing a sonnet was very hard it’s not like a haiku where it’s just about the syllables you have to worry about the pattern of them, your limited to a set amount of syllables. You also have to have a rhyme scheme to it all. It’s not just a simple rhyme where it has to rhyme with another line it has to follow a pattern like abab cdcd efef gg. You have to have 14 lines of this. When I started it I thought that it would be like writing a haiku but man was I wrong. It’s basically like the hardest poem I have ever wrote. Mind you I’m not very good but it is a very hard type of poem to write. But with some brainstorming and looking up the patterns and rhyme schemes I got it done