
My goal for humanities is to improve my paragraph structure, have less run on sentences and sentences that make no sense. I can do this by proof reading and editing my work before I hand it in.

My goal for work ethics is to continue to work hard and hand things on time. Also I would like it to improve my mark by not doing things last minute and rushing which would produce a my lower quality of work than what my full potential could be.


In the making of this masterpiece explain everything our group learned about 1 of the 3 different types of precipitation. Orographic precipitation is the one we learned about. We looked on the Internet for information about our type of precipitation. Then made a script for our explain everything and read it out when we animated it. We took the information that we found and put it into our video. I didn’t even know that there was three different types of precipitation but it was cool to learn the one that happens here in Vancouver.



In the comic life I decided to use these pictures because they looked old and resembled the time of the HBC furs trading times. My comic life on the HBC and I used the slides and words to project how they traded, let the First Nations go get the furs and bring them to the HBC and where, they started at Hudson’s bay and expanded. As well as who they traded with, the First Nations. I also showed when they traded, in the summer and what they traded, mainly furs. The pictures I used helped project what I was trying to get through to the readers.




France part 2

This assignment was fun because of how you had to use your iPad to present the information you found in different ways like a brochure or comic life. This assignment made me test my skills on researching because of the different sites to get information off of. In this project I thought that we had just enough time to do the work and would’ve had more than enough if it wasn’t Mother’s Day so GOOD JOB MS. WILLEMSE! People complained about this project and how little time we had and the research but if you worked hard on it you could really pull something together that was really good. I chose the brochure and here it is now.


20140512-084049.jpgI learned that on these farms they used a irrigation system from the river and the habitants moved to New France to have bigger farms and more land to eventually pass it down to there children. I liked using pages to make the brochure because of how you can arrange the pictures, titles and information in your own way.

Fairy tale future

In the future I would love to be a pro base ball player just like from my gifted writing but really I don’t think ill do that for a living. Much more likely I will be a engineer because of my skills in building and tinkering. But being able to become anything I want is what really gets me going and imagining everything and all the possibilities like becoming a pro ball player like I mentioned in my gifted writing and my me myself and I chart as well as in my life line explain everything. When it comes down to it I really enjoy baseball and would love to have a career in it but I really need to work on my skills for it. I took quizzes online for my career and they produced some strange things like this

20140511-222523.jpg this one is weird because of its simplicity all you did was match what person did what in there career and complete the level. It may be childesh but it was FUN. This next one was more mature than the last.


This one showed my actual skills based one how i answered the questions and allowed me to see what skills I’m good at. This assignment was fun because of its ability to set us up to think about our future.


Life line

In this explain everything I put in my life line and my life choices. There were good times and bad but they all lead to the FUTURE. in my positive parts of my life there mostly made up of the obvious like being born and learning to walk. But some of the best times were with my family like going hunting and getting my pets and some were on my own like joining base ball. The negative parts are all made up of painful times………of course but negative lead to positive when my first cat died we got a second one shortly after. The future…I can’t say much about where I am going to be but I can say where I hope to be. I would love to do the usual like going to university and getting a job but the future always holds suprises…..whether there good or bad is the question.

Jean Talon

In flight this week we had to research one of three people from New France. I chose Jean Talon. After researching this man from the past I realized that New France was actually aged by him through his actions. I felt as if this project was fun and not completely boring. During this project I really learned how to use explain everything to its full potential. With projects at the beginning of the year I new how to “use it” but not in any amazing way. I can now see why we use explain everything in flight because it’s an all round good app for school. What we actually had to do for the project was we had to wright a paragraph on the person but also make a explain everything 2 minutes long.

Jean talon

Jean Talon was born in Châlons-en-Champagne to Philippe Talon and Anne Marie de Bury on January 8, 1626. He was baptized on August 1, 1626. After studying at the Jesuits College of Clermont, Talon was employed in a commissariat. His abilities soon became apparent and when he was thirty then he was promoted to the position of Intendant for the province of Hainault. He was the first intendant of New France. Talon was appointed to the role of the intendant by King Louis XIV

When an Intendant was needed for the task of bringing the dying New France back to life Colbert an administrator of France thought immediately of Jean Talon. Colbert recommended him to the king.

Talon attempted to change the economic base of the colony from fur-trading to agriculture. In order to do this he needed a larger population. Talon arranged for settlers to come to New France. In this movement included over 1,000 women. These women were young orphans that came to New France to marry men that lived there. He encouraged population growth through marriage grants and baby bonuses which was financial compensation given to a couple when they married as well as when they had children.

Talon also tried to diversify the economy by introducing new crops such as flax and hops for making beer he did this by starting a shipyard and lumber industry as well as by encouraging mining.

Jean Talon had saved the colony from destitution through the implementation of policies that promoted agriculture, colonization, trade, industry and naval construction. He strengthened the foundation on which justice and government was placed. Sadly Jean Talon died on November 24 1694 at the age of sixty-eight.

I used Wikipedia as the only source for this assignment

I forgot to put in a bibliography for the video so I’m putting it before it.

I used Creative Commons to find googles images and the info was from Wikipedia

This week I learned

This week I learned how to yoink Dallas’s kills in world of tanks. World of tanks is an online game where you get paired up with other players and battle against each other in World War One and two tanks. From battles you gain xp and coins to unlock other tanks and equipment. In game if you “yoink” a kill the you KS the kill (kill steal) and it is generally when u last shot someone who was going to be killed by the person who deserved the kill. When I play with Dallas most of the fun playing with him is when you yoink his kills before he can get him. World of tanks is a fun pass time and playing with Dallas and yo inking his kills makes it much muuch MUUUUCH more fun! In world of tanks there are different types of tanks like light medium and heavy tanks like these


There are also types like artillery that shoot across the map and they generally look like this


This is the world of tanks logo and I love this game



In flight we were asked what we wanted to be gifted at. As well we had to say how we would plan on getting gifted in that thing. I would chose to be gifted in base ball and I think that I could achieve that goal by setting out a training schedule. The schedule would include a mix of running and base running, hitting, catching and throwing. All of these activities can improve my overall performance at baseball. I can also study up on the more technical part like the mechanics of hitting catching and the other basic attributes to baseball. Doing this could really increase how well I play and preform and I love baseball so it’s a great thing for me to be gifted in.

My change in my eating

This past week I have changed my diet to help me have a healthier diet. In school we are doing a subject in HCE on healthy living and we tracked our eating over two weeks. The first week we ate as we always do then the next week we changed one thing on our diet. For me in my normal diet i have always eaten a healthier diet than most. This is not by my choice but living with three health freaks I don’t have much choice. Eating healthy already I had a bit of a hard time choosing. I looked at my diet and it wasn’t that bad! But I could do with some more greens. So the next week I tried it out and because of eating healthy already it wasn’t that hard to do this change. So after eating more greens I felt as if I had more energy and got a better sleep. The question we were asked in school was why don’t people eat healthy? What I think is the most obvious reason is that….the other stuff tastes better and also is cheaper than other organic foods. So people who have jobs that only pay minimum wage are more likely to buy the cheaper food. Fast foods are not only tastier than home food….well not always but the are much more addictive so eating out becomes a habit. But getting back to my diet I think that an easy way to eat healthier would to be instead of adding greens of the start just to cut back on other foods. I think that healthy foods could help a lot of people have better healthier and happier lives. Not only will they be happy and healthy but you will live for much longer.

