Healthy living is the key to a longer happier life. Healthy living can help us live healthier and can extend our lives and who wouldn’t want to live another couple healthy years? Changing to healthier living is hard but a place to start is just change a couple small things about your diet. Like eating more greens per dinner or even just doing more exercise. I know that exercise is not the most fun thing to do but it can be a simple thing to a healthier diet or life style. In flight we are changing our diets after a week of normal week and tracking. The change could be subtracting junk food or adding health food or even just exercising more. For my change I’ve decided to add some more greens to my diet even though I eat a lot of them already I feel like I could eat more. I think that this will be easy for me because of how many greens I already eat. I feel as if this could help me get to eating healthier and begin a healthier happier part of my life.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
D.N.A is interesting. I think that DNA is not the only thing that the court should use for evidence because there will always be a way to make and five fake evidence. The activity was fun and interesting enough to make it a learning event. We took our DNA from our mouths with salt water the put food dye in isopropyl. We took our mixes and mixed them then we let it sit then we could see our DNA as white strings and took a stir stick and pulled them out of the mixture. The activity was fun overall.
Healthy living blog post
Healthy living is the key to a long life. Healthy living is a lot of small things put together to help your body be healthier and stronger. Some of these things that can help you live longer and happier and are just as simple as eating right and exercising daily. Others are more complicated like getting a good nights sleep, having some fun every day and doing something social every day. Healthier living can have a great impact on your life, for example you will have more energy for sports and family and friend activities. You will be in shape so you can have fun with physical activities longer than normal and don’t forget you will be happier with yourself as well as more comfortable with who you are. Healthy living may sound easy but really even the easy parts are hard, there must easier than the harder parts.
Whüg wøō
This is my country, in flight we are working on a project where we are making our own country and all of our own rules and constitution. We are also making a vacation video to try to make people come to our country.
Student teachers
I feel as if flight is getting boring. Some how the student teachers have taking some thing that I actually enjoy and have turned it into something that…….well it turned it back into school. Before I enjoyed flight and looked forward to it when I went to bed but now it’s just like another school day. The only good thing is that flight is three periods long so only two of the three are ruined and not fun. I enjoy projects but I hate novel projects especially when the book is crap. I know this may seem harsh but if any of you student teachers are reading this maybe you can learn something. Maybe you could asks what we want to read or at the least ask us what genre we like and not go pick some book where we read to what we are told then put it down and say “thank goodness I’m done”. I enjoy reading don’t get me wrong but if it doesn’t interest me it’s a bore. They are just student teachers and flight is different from normal classes and with all of the kids that keep on pushing you and won’t shut up that’s hard. We have already learned a bit about the revolutions and one of the student teachers is teaching us some more but I think that if I was going to do flight next year there would have to be more projects because I feel as if there is just as many projects as there is in normal classes……and I don’t need an iPad for them. I hope if anyone takes offence to this that you won’t think that I hate student teachers but they just have tuned down the fun level of flight. Maybe this will help you better your future with other classes and probably even with your future job as a teacher and it will help you allow students to do there best work because they want to and because they like the work there doing. I hope this help you if you read it but if not then you have your opinion.
This week I learned #8
This week I learned how to make my own country. In flight we are making our own country with our own flag. We also have to make the climate and culture, such as there music and arts, there sports and religion, and what there famous for like my country is famous for there sea food. Yo have to choose if its a small medium or large land mass and population. You have to choose if its a land locked, coastal or and island. With the landscape you have to create your weather such as tropical monsoons or dry arid. You also choose what they eat mostly from a day to day basis. I found this project to be a lot of fun and we’re not even close to done yet so there’s lots more things heading my way! My teachers told us that we are also going to make a vacation commercial to make others from different countries want to come and vacation here which will probally be the hardest part…..not because my country is a bad place to vacation but choosing what to put in it and what people want to go on vacation for. But I’ve done smaller projects like this before and I’ve always enjoyed them but now I get to take it one step further and do things that I would never do in any other classes. The picture below is my flag.
My country
My country is named Whüg wøō I made this name out of cool looking letters and how it sounds. I’m going to have a democracy and I will look out for my people the laws will be fair for everyone and I will do my best to make it possible for everyone to have housing . My country will be a small coastal island where the landscape is mountainous and the weather is tropical with monsoons. It will be a great country, people will have fair and equal rights and where the economy is growing through our sea trade. Our main export and main income will be our seafood and cars from our factories. My country has a small land mass with a small population so that it’s not cramped but not to spaced out. My country will have mountains and great rolling hills. My country will have great hotels where people all over the world will come to stay in some of the best hotels with the best service. My country will be known for fishing and it’s seafood, it’s towering cliffs for BASE jumping and cliff diving. We will have a rich culture with religion leading us all into a peaceful co-existence where everyone is happy and there in little if not no crime. The music and arts we make are flowing and peaceful a little like Asia’s music where it has a mood to it (slow and peaceful=happy, quick and exciting=adventurous or mysterious) those are some examples of different music paces for different moods of music. My country will be an oasis for those with little things and an open to letting others look out for one another.
This week I learned #7
This week I learned that I was blind. I just got contacts and really…..there’s a massive difference. As soon as I put them in and walked out side it was like I went from crapy cable TV to HD TV. I can finally see the bored in class and instead of asking what it says and copying off others I can do my own work and not get the wrong answers from others. I’m glad that I got contacts because I just learned after I got them that in science class my piers beside me cough cough JP were “trolling me” by giving me the wrong questions. But now I can rely on my own sight and not get screwed over by my “friends”. But really I can’t wait until I can get revenge on them little bastards.
The down side of high
Do you know anyone who does drugs? Well if you do then this may help you understand why they started. Scientists say the there’s a link between marajuana and schritzofrania and I would say that it seems to be true because if it effects your brewin then it could mean that you could end up with schritzofrania. So I’d say that I would agree with the fact that there’s a link between the two the drug and the disease. I think that teens still smoke because they still think that it’s fine and not evolved in any way but the real fact that it is not the normal 60’s drug but a hole new drug all together. I think that teens could be better educated on this matter if they brought in an actual person with the disease and show them the consequences from a first hand experience.
What colour are you?
I love to hunt and be in the woods. Being a hunter and an outdoorsy person I also love to have adventures. I’m happy with my life now but I would like to make it better I love to be excited about stuff and be happy for me and others. This is really tough to write about because I don’t really know what I really am but the colour cantaloupe seemed to me so the closest to what I think I am. I also seem to have a big influence on some of my younger family friends and if I can help others especially smaller and younger kids than me have just as a great life as me that would be great for them and for me. Cantaloupe may not be me fully but it’s the closest I’m gonna get and I think that people don’t start as canoloupe but earn it through there life.