Loon lake learnin


How do the choices we make set our future path?

 The Loon lake learning advance changed my perspective on many things and gave me insight on many ways to improve my life and myself.

This trip was very important to me because of the team building exercises that showed me that I can be friends with almost everyone in the class 

When we were on the trip I liked the structured time and that we didn’t have any snacks, I usually snack a lot and i think I should start having less snacks and more structured meals

Being comfortable with the uncomfortable is the transfer goal that i chose because I felt that the skill will help me improve and become a better person.

I really liked the way this trip was structured with fun activities that also connected really well to the learning element. Even with the indoor activities they were entertaining and it felt really important to listen to what pinnacle pursuits team leaders were teaching and showering us. All these activities helped connect our class and i am way more comfortable with my class after this trip