Laser laws

 Laser Laws

Hello fellow blog readers, today we are going to be talking about my latest project in scimatics, Laser Laws. This project is about the law of lasers and the law of reflection. How can we test the pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection? The driving question for this project is How can we test the pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection? And now I can tell you the Answer.

Let’s get right into it.

Let’s get started with my mind map 

This mind map shows my questions from the start of the project, and the answers from the end.

Questioning and guessing

I think I was accomplished, because I was actually really interested in lasers at the star of this project. I wanted to know why they go on forever, why they are different colours it’s an 

Interesting topic. I think I demonstrated accomplished, because I did all the work, I did my MindNode and was able to answer all of my questions, but I think I could do better at handing stuff in on time. Me and my group helped each other and if we didn’t understand something we would use are iPad to figure it out. We would estimate, and question ourselves to see if we are doing the best we can.

Communicating and representing 

In this competency I think I did really good. I Was able to communicate my ideas to everyone in my group. I represented my idea of a trapezoid, and that’s the shape we used for are project. For example when we couldn’t figure out where to put the mirrors, we all communicated to solve the problem, we communicated who’s doing what and how to do it. We organized are roles and it made us work way more effectively, and when the presenting day came we were ready because of how well we communicated.

Applying and innovating

In this project I really applied myself. I came up with the idea of a trapezoid and it worked out great. It took multiple try’s to get it on point and eventually it worked. We innovated it by moving the mirrors trying different techniques with the laser and eventually we got it by working as a team and putting are ideas together to form a great project. Then we all inputted are thoughts on decorating it, then we decided to make it a blue design and it turned out great.

                This is my milestone 4 right triangle I made on ray optics simulator.


My favourite thing in this project was how we got to work with actual lasers, and I didn’t expect it to look so cool at then, I expected to have it be kinda lit up but then, outta no where it was awesome how cool everyone’s designs looked like at the end of the project with all the fog it was so cool. Thank you for reading, have a good day, see you next time, by.

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