Vibrant videos

Hi everybody welcome back to another post. Today we are going to be talking my time and what I’ve learned in my recent Maker project. This project was all about setting goals and making videos. During this project we made 4 videos all showing different shots, angles, affects and more. For our goal setting we had a goal tracker. This goal tracker is where we did lots of activities like, are virtues, our goal ladder, our list of things we enjoy and much more.

At the start of this project we did an activity called what do I enjoy. We just listed 5 things we enjoy. We got all of our activities from the book called what do you really want. Then came the very first video, what inspires me. For this video, we have to answer questions like what do I enjoy, what I don’t enjoy, or what brings meaning to my life. My video was two minutes long and has an image then me explaining my answer to the questions. Click here

The next thing we learned about and the most important to me was Smart goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable and Timed. These words define what a goal should be. It should be something realistic, but something you have to work hard for. If your goals are to big or not specific for example, I want to get good at soccer, What do you want to get good at dribbling, shooting, and what are you going to do to achieve this goal.

The next video we had to make was all about different shots and angles. The video had to be 1-2 mins long, and had to be silent and have a music soundtrack. The story had to be about someone who had a goal, and achieved it. Click here

The next important activity we did was actually setting SMART goals. We made a goal Ladder. We practiced with drafts and revised them. The goal ladder is one main goal, with ten small goals that are like stepping stones to reaching the main goal.

The goal setting area of the project was my favourite because I got to set goals actual goals I have. I could still work on setting smarter goals. I really happy with my goal ladder.

In the middle of this project we had an exhibition for our other project Power of Geography. We made a video for the introduction of the exhibition. In this video we talked about the exhibition how we built knowledge, and other details. In this video we could have done some more angles, because it was mostly pictures of landscape and a voiceover. We reflected on this video in Maker because we learned how to make videos and and use different angles in this maker project. Click here

Nearing the end of the project we did storyboarding. We practiced storyboards and it was very helpful because the last thing we did before the project was the final video, we had to make a storyboard for this video. The video was about how to set a goal. Click here

Now every goal I set from now on will be smart. This project has taught me a lot, how to make videos and set goals. Goals are the only way to reach your dreams. And I set goals all the time now.

During this project I think I showed strength in asking questions, asking for help as well as clarifying assignments. I also think I showed strength in managing my time. Getting my homework done and not overworking and stressing myself.

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