Hi everybody, welcome back to another blog post, today I am going to be speaking on my latest science project called exciting electricity. This project was learning about flow, current, and resistance. The final goal of this project as to make an operation board game.
The first thing we did was take notes from a visual presentation are teacher showed us. Then we used battery’s and alligator clips and attached them to a light bulb and then it lit up. We had successfully made a circuit.
Next we were mainly learning about a math equation called Ohms law. V is the symbol for voltage, I is the symbol for current and r is the symbol for resistance.
Next we moved on to a phet activity. In partners we tried playing with circuits on the simulation. We continued playing around with circuits in real life. Then we started brainstorming and came up with ideas for the theme of ours operation games.
Mine was a football boot, and a football. Right before this we did some practice with circuits and connecting it to tinfoil.
The next days I’m class were making our games, here’s how mine turned out.
I’m really proud of my box, and think I was good at constructing it and building circuits, somethings to get better at are, time management, handing in stuff on time, and working by myself. Thank you.