Hi guys welcome back to another blog post. This post Is about our 2023 PLP spring exhibition and the events leading up to it. This project was about WW1 and its battles.

The driving question is “what were the contrasting narratives of WW1. You’ll hear my question to this at the end.

At the start of this project We were told we were going to the MONOVA museum, because are spring exhibition was going to be themed as a museum and everyone will ave their own exhibit. We were tasked with researching and learning about museums and figuring out what exhibits our. Everyone took notes and predicted what they will be like at the exhibition versus what they are actually like once we visited.
Exhibits have a description of the things there and lots of different things on display, for example interactive experiments, but most of all exhibits tell story’s.

Next we went to the museum. At the museum I noticed that every exhibit tends to have a general theme and a description. For example at MONOVA there was a safety exhibit that was interactive. Every exhibit has different displayed objects relevant to that theme. Next after that experience the learning of WW1 began. We talked about famous battles and how the war began.

After that we were put into groups of 2 and made a presentation on a topic of our choice. Mine was on PTSD and I did it with my friend Daniel. Then after that we were put into bigger groups and we listed some of the contrasted narratives of war. For example the army painted the picture that every soldier would become a hero in reality they died a horrible death. We later figured out that these were our exhibition groups. We stared planning a room and themed in to WW1. My table setup was two iPads and a poster.

Having this understanding of the war was very beneficial when presenting because you could go off script and speak on related topics. Then the exhibition concluded. This project really opened my eyes to this project, imagine being a young 16 year old man who thinks he going to come back to his family as a hero, its truly sad.

My answer to the driving question is that people are tricked into thinking their lives will be full of glory when they don’t live long enough to see that. Thank you.


Hi teacher this is my Dad Kevin, Kevin this is teacher.

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

The tPOL stands for transition presentation of learning. This presentation will use evidence on why I am ready to move on to the next grade level. This year I have had 3 Plp classes, Maker, science and humanities. All of these classes were in the first semester. Humanities carry’s on into the second semester.

The biggest class for me this year has been humanities. I enjoy it a lot and I apply myself the most. Part of my growth this year is that at the start I choose to reach for accomplished on all my classes except humanities, I realize now that I am very capable of getting extending in all my classes if I put in the work. For Humanities I realize that i should be talking about the class that taught me the most not just the most enjoyable class. The Project in humanities the taught me the most was storm the barricades. It was a project on different revolutions, i learned about the French revolution. The main thing I learned from this project is time management. Our end goal of this project was making a trial between the two sides of the revolution. We ended up just finishing and it was a bit sloppy, if we haven’t have left it to the last minute that could have been the difference between an accomplished and an extending.

Picture of my stand at exhibition.

Through out humanities my biggest strengths were Teamwork, Critical Thinking, and questioning. For example in every group project this year except storm the barricades I took more of a leadership role. That leads on to my weaknesses. My biggest weaknesses this year were, confidence and mindset. The reason these were weak for me is that I was in a class with no friends and I let that effect me to much instead of focusing on my work. Once I got into the second semester humanities class I was more driven and I became confident again.

In my first semester I had maker and science some skills that I developed from those classes that I have used in humanities are Questioning, group work, and overall communication. Questioning was very important in science because experiments were always a challenge. I already knew how to question but I didn’t like asking or help, but I know realize that I need someone else’s feedback on my work, that ties into the communication, as well as group work.

Some questions to answer are

Why do I feel that I am ready to advance to the next grade level?

For me there are lots of reasons like hard work, resiliency, but most of all growth. If I have grown this much in 2 years then the growth in the next three will be great. Growing will open up more opportunity’s for things outside of school like jobs or volunteering.

Of the work you’ve done this year what are you least proud of?

For me I do like most of my work but I’m never upset with It. I hold myself to high expectations and will be disappointed if I don’t meet the bar I set, but at the same time the work I’m least proud of is the work that made me work harder in general.

What project Did I struggle with mostly this year. For me my Favourite project was about the geography of western Canada but at the same time I struggled a lot with this. Half my class was away so I sometimes struggled to understand some of the assignments with no one to explain at times. When everyone was back I understood everything and ended up really enjoying this project.

How did you approach projects differently this year?

This year I have tried to go into projects with an open mind because last year I would have a bit of a fixed mindset If I didn’t like how something sounded.

The core competencies of mine that have thrived the most this year are collaborating, creative thinking, and communicating. These have excelled this year because of the feedback from people around me, when I use and take suggested advice I tend to do better. When I ask questions I can clarify and make sure I know what I’m doing. Collaborating with others Is something I have always been good at but this year I have taken more of a leadership role.

On my leaning plan I wrote that I wanted to be someone who hands in work early and always has a good mindset, like I mentioned early my mindset was not the best but it has improved the most out of anything.

Learning plan

One of the other things I set out to improve on my learning plan was Asking for help. For me I felt a great sense of pride doing everything by myself, but I have now realized that everybody needs help sometimes, that’s why ask lots of questions now.

The systems I have used for this are Managing my homework, handing in work on time, and doing other things that are necessary to making me succeed. Managing my homework is important so I don’t overwork, handing in work on time makes everyone’s lives easier, and other things like getting enough sleep is very important.

At the start of this year I decided to only reach for extending on one class but I’ve grown and now I will reach for all extending so because I’m confident in myself.

Thank you.