Canada in World War 2

Hi guys, welcome back to another blog post. Todays post is going to be about my latest Humanities 10 project. This project was all about WWII and how Canada was a significant nation during this catastrophic event.

I started this project excited because I had always wanted to learn about WW2, I thought it was cool and action packed, now done this project I will never think of any violence as cool ever again.

The driving question for this project is how is WWII significant to Canada, this post will answer that.

We started this project by watching the movie saving private Ryan. When watching this movie I noticed lots of things, the suffering of the soldiers, the sacrifices, the violence, but something that stood out to me the most is that in the first scene of the movie one of the soldiers is holding a cup and he can’t hold it without his hand shaking, that is because of the fear and trauma in his brain.

Now having seen a mere representation of WWII we started learning about things like total war, the economy, the roaring 20s, and the Great Depression. We learned about how WWI was a factor to starting WWII. The cause of a war is sometimes hard to understand but very important.

A lot of this project was listening to our teacher whilst she talked about important events in the war, some notable events that Canada were involved in were, the battle of the Atlantic, the battle of Hong Kong, and the storming of Normandy.
What really stood out to me was the downfall and rise of Germany. Germany were unhappy and felt shameful, their economy was weak, and so was the military. Then a strongman leader rose to lead them. A strongman leader is someone who makes the people feel strong by focusing on the military and solves problems. Hitler was said to be a strongman leader.

Next we learned about the darkest parts of WWII the holocaust and the bombing of japan. These events were terrifying brutal and hard to comprehend so leaning about them made me think that this war was truly the most significant event in human history. The holocaust was the biggest ever genocide and the bombing of japan introduced the atomic bomb which is still a threat today.

After this we were told that are final task was to write an essay so we focused on learning how to write essays. We already knew how to write essays but we were improving our skills.

Next we wrote the essay. Mine is too big to fit in here but my three topic were, Canadian war efforts, Innovation, and human rights. My reasoning for Canadian war efforts is that soldiers and relatives of people alive today fought and died in this war, it also shows that we were a brave country ready to take action. I choose innovation for one main reason, the atomic bombs dropped on japan killed an estimate of 110,000 to 210,000 people, that’s two bombs, this bomb was constructed during WWII. I choose human rights because human right were basically not a thing before WWII, and the Jewish people had no rights at all in Germany and wore mass killed and enslaved.

So if you’re wondering why WWII is Significant to Canada then I’ll tell you why. Our country fought in this war because we knew that Germany was a threat to all western civilization, we helped save many country and we sacrifice money and lives to do so, we also helped construct the atomic bomb by mining uranium, the human rights violations during the war are the reason we have the rights we have today, all of the previously mentioned reasons affect us today and thats why WWII is significant to Canada. Thank you for reading.