The path to a great year

Hi guys welcome back to another blog post. This post is going to be about my learning and how I am going to set myself up for success this year. Throughout this podcast we will look through my past year as a learner and what I could have done better and we’ll also talk about some systems and habits to help me have a great year.

The driving question for this post is “what strategies can I use to maintain balance in my life and support my own well being”?.

Our first PGP project was made so we can be successful and organized, I learned many systems, habits, and strategies from this project. My favourite system was things. Things is an organization app that reminds you off tasks, to be specific my favourite strategie in things is the areas. The areas for me where all my classes and other things like soccer and chores, in areas you can put task and sub tasks to help accomplish more work.

Another very helpful task manager is calendar. At first I hated Calendar because putting your daily schedule in and looping so it is the same every week can be quite annoying. But once it is filled out you get lots of reminders and you can look when you have time to deal with assignments or other parts of your life.

My calendar shows my classes and their rotation everyday, it will also show when I have soccer or any special events coming up. Using these methods primarily has helped me become more organized and on task, one of the big topics in my learning plan was managing my time and how its important, I can now say I successfully manage my time.

The calendar app and things worked for me. But reminders just didn’t click. It seemed like things but just less effective and worse. Things is a great app but something that i didn’t understand about it was that it had an inbox. The teachers tired to explain it to me, in my mind I thought it would be like an email message inbox but It is where you would put tasks but I dropped it and didn’t use it because I didn’t think it was effective.

A big part of my Life during this project was positive brain training. The title of the project we did is “New year New me”, so it makes sense that we should be making changes to our lives and perhaps the biggest change one can make is mental. My teacher got this project showed us a video on positive brain training and how You can train your brain to be motivated but also fulfilled with your current situation. We all tried a system, Day 1 journaling, day 2, grateful for, day 3, physical activity, day 4 gesture of kindness, and meditation. These acts all had different perks. Meditation calmed me and made me motivated to succeed, acts of kindness made me feel good because I know I made someone’s day, being grateful makes me appreciate life more, journaling helps me express my feelings, and physical activity helps me vent energy. All of these strategies help me creat a strong disciplined and happy mindset so I can tackle any challenge in front of me.

But what’s the point of even changing my Mindset?, How does changing my mindset help me? A strong mindset makes you become a strong person. If you have a negative mindset you look at failure as a bad things, If you have a strong mindset then you look at failure as a chance to improve. A strong minded person sets goals and reaches for them, that’s a Positive mindset.

Another great way to Clear your mind Is clear the area around you. For example a dirty room is a dirty mind, All sorts of things like this can help clear your mind or help cloud it. I’m not just looking at this as school work, Im looking at this as a way to influence others to make a change, Your change could be journaling, working out, or any of the other positive brain training exercises I have mentioned previously.

For me Very big part of devolving a strong mindset was understanding that balance is key. Work but don’t over work, get the right amount of school in your life as well as outside activities. I play high level Football and balancing that with my schooling was difficult but I trusted in the process of developing a strong mindset and I have been able to accomplish balance in my life. Some of the ways I achieved balance were, timing how much work I do, Using task manager apps, having family members remind me when It’s time to move on, and many more.

Balance doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do your work, it means that your should be organized and be able to Judge when you need a break of your work and are ready to move onto your next task. For me I can’t sit down and watch TV when I have work, I just feel nervous so I prefer to get It done which works out quite well for me.

So far this year I have been doing pretty good but I know I can go from being a proficient learner to a sophisticated learner. I have shown evidence on How I have grown but most of all how I’ve set myself up to grow.

In conclusion, to be a strong minded successful person you have to take the necessary steps to organize your life, maintain balance, and most of all achieve a great mindset. That’s my Pre pol, thank you.

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