Who Am I going to be?

Who Am I going to be? This question is by far one of the questions I ask myself the most, yet I couldn’t answer It, until we finished our final Humanities project of this semester. This projet wasn’t like others, It felt like it was more Important to me. When Asked the question, “who are you going to be” I used to think of career, for example someone would ask “who are you going to be?”, and I would often say a soccer player, or an engineer or other jobs. But now I answer with “I am going to be a motivated helpful person who inspires others”.

This post Isn’t going to just be a summary It’s going to be about that very Important question which is, “who are you going to be”. For me one of the most notable parts of the project was when we thought of five words that describe the person we want to be. We also add a slide of who we are currently.

I found these exercises very Important because we got to analyze what’s good about ourselves then we got to see how close we are to the person we want to be. Obviously I have grown as a person throughout this project but I am still quite far from being the person I would like to be.

The task that taught me the most about how to become and act like the person I want to be was our interview. We were tasked with interviewing someone who inspires us and is a role model similar to the who we want to be. I interviewed my uncle who Works In construction Management. He talked about how many times he has had really stressful times where things looked like they were almost impossible yet he pulled through. My uncle said that the best part about his job is feeling of accomplishment and pride when his team and him finsh a project.

These lessons taught me a lot about how I should look up to my uncle because he is a great role model and can help me achieve my goal of being the person I want to be. The most important virtue in my eyes is resilience. At times I thought kindness, or helpfulness were the most important virtues until I read the Alphonso Davies book. This book not only talks about how Davies is resilient person, but also about the early challenges him and his family faced. They had to move to a refugee camp to escape the war in Liberia, they didn’t have much money at all, all Alphonso had was football. It inspires me that even during the darkest times if you have a passion you can climb through the darkest times. I value Alphonso Davies because of his virtue and football ability, but his and his parents story is really inspiring to me.

Those were the most notable parts of this project that taught me lessons and motivated me, but what will I do to become the person I hope to be? I will continue
To learn and cherish the advice given to me by my teachers and role models, If I do this correctly and apply myself in all aspects of life then I will become the person I hope to be. Thank you for reading.

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