Ryan Reynolds: A philanthropist

Hi everyone welcome back to another blog post. In todays post I will be sharing my Essay on Ryan Reynolds. I am currently working on a humanities project called Cray Cray Yay Yay. This project included a trip to Seattle but some of us stayed back in Vancouver. For this assignment we were told to choose someone who has given back to the community they came from, someone who cares about communities in need. I choose Ryan Reynolds because he embodies giving back to people. The driving question I am trying to answer with this essay is why does it take a crazy person to the change the world”.

Here is my Essay.

Ryan Reynolds is a well-respected celebrity, but did you know that he is much more than that? Ryan Reynolds exemplifies a positively impactful form of ‘crazy’ through his unique acting, engaging social media presence, and philanthropic efforts, which actively contribute to supporting communities in need. His great deeds are often overlooked because he is famous for other things, but his donations, kind personality, and helpful attitude make him who he is.

Ryan Reynolds is a celebrated actor, but only because of the attitude he has. Ryan Reynolds has a very positive impact that extends its reach around the world, whether it be his charismatic acting or acts of charity; he is a great role model. When thinking of Ryan Reynolds, many people think of his hit movies or funny interviews because that is what is shown on screen. Ryan Reynolds helps people, even through a TV screen. His upbeat personality and kindness help people feel able to express themselves. He is a role model with a reach that extends to all corners of the world. His Ugly Christmas sweater campaign, for example, raised $500,000 for Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. Source. His philanthropic efforts complement his online presence well.

Ryan Reynolds is busy, yet he still has the time to give back. Ryan Reynolds cares deeply for the community he was brought up in, and that’s why he gives back to them. Ryan Reynolds has done great things in the world of acting and on social media, but he has also done great things for the community he grew up in. Ryan Reynolds visits Vancouver frequently and has much love for its people. He donated $500,000 to Water First Education and Training Inc., giving more First Nation reserves access to clean water. Source. He also donated money to food banks in Canada. These selfless acts really help our community thrive, and his acts also set an example for future generations.

Ryan Reynolds has done great deeds for Vancouver but also for the world. Ryan Reynolds is a philanthropist and a great help to communities in need because of his kind personality and how he feels the need to give back. He gave back to us in Vancouver, but he also helps people around the world, and I don’t just mean entertaining them with his funny acting. He donated $1 million to children in Israel and Gaza through the Red Cross. Source. He also donated $1 million to food banks in North America. The point is that Ryan Reynolds isn’t just an actor, and he cares. He is crazy in the way he acts and how he donates outrageous amounts of money just to help others. These philanthropic deeds won him the 2023 humanitarian award. Source.
Ryan Reynolds entertains us all, but he really does help the world. He helps people in different ways, whether it be donating money or his great acting. He gave back to Vancouver, and he gave back to the world. Ryan Reynolds is a great person and someone I would give the title of crazy to. Thank you for reading.

At first I choose Ryan Reynolds for this assignment because he was the most famous Canadian I could think of and he’s easy to talk about. But after researching him further I have learned that he is more than a funny actor, he helps people in need. Some people would say that donating millions of dollars to charity is a waste, Ryan Reynolds says otherwise. Thank you for reading.

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