
Guess who’s back? Well, I hope you don’t have to guess, as you’re on my blog…. unless you’re lost. I’m so sorry if you are, go back to YouTube or wherever you were.



So, what’s this post about? Well, two things. One, making as many Harry Potter puns as possible. And two, our blue sky project!

This was probably my favourite project, as it was all around Harry Potter. And trust me, I love Harry Potter.

Like, love it to death(ly hallows)

So of course I was screaming internally when I found out we were doing a project on it!


So I got to work. I decided to do a project on one of my favourite subjects in Harry Potter. Potions. It’s a Very Sirius Project. Okay I’ll stop.

I’ve just always found potions so exciting. The idea that you get to put a bunch of ingredients in and it gives you abilities? Like, how awesome is that?


I was excited. My project was to make a potion, and then teach people how to make it.

I started with researching the ingredients. So there’s a list of potion ingredients that I looked at, and found out what they all were.

And then I had to figure out which ones I wanted to use. I decided on:

Leech juice, slug remains, flobberworm mucus, and centaur blood. Appetizing, I know. I’d like to see that in Mary Berry’s next cooking show.


And then it was time to actually find the ingredients. And no, I didn’t actually juice a leech and make a centaur bleed. Don’t worry, no animals were harmed in the making of this. Except that one snail I stepped on outside. RIP snail.

I had to make a recipe that was actually edible. No leeches or slugs or flobberworms. Instead, I used the magical ingredients of Sprite, ice cream, lemon juice and black food colouring. Such magic, very wow

It did wind up looking quite cool. Very potion-y, as you can see:


So we had to set up our exhibit. I was grouped with Simon, Calum, Aiden and Sofia. It was a good group, and we were spells and potions.

Our class was given the task of turning the school library into Hogwarts school. If you don’t know what that is…. why. Just why.

Hogwarts castle

Hogwarts castle

Anyways, my group got to turn the front of the library into the dungeons. It was a lot of preparation and failures, but it wound up looking like this. My personal station was the wonderful potions bar:


Fun story! This girl was looking at my Potion a bit skeptically. Understandable, it looked like the venom of the super that bit Peter Parker. She was maybe seven or eight. “It’ll make you waterproof” I explained, though she still didn’t trust it. I was really wanting to roll my eyes, but I restrained myself. “Don’t worry, its Sprite and ice cream” I told her, hoping to make her drink it. And her face totally changed. She looked almost offended, and in the sassiest voice I have ever heard from a seven year old, she just goes “So its fake?”. And walks off. Did she expect it to be real? I have no clue.

Fun story 2.0! When I was pouring my shots of potion (yes I used shot glasses. Leave me alone) I started to notice something. My potion was separating. Don’t worry, that sounds bad. It wasn’t, it wound up looking cool


Even more potion-y than I’d hoped for! It was great!

The night of the exhibit was fun! It was a lot of showing people my video and convincing them my Potion was safe to drink and I wasn’t poisoning them.

Oh yeah, my video! I made a tutorial video, as part of my project was teaching people

I drew the little thumbnail myself, I’m quite proud of that. So, the exhibit happened, and it was fun!

The set up was good, because we had a lot of time to do so. We had to put up the walls, claim tables (*cough* steal them from another group *cough*), and we pulled it off!

Of you’d like to see my group’s projects, feel free!

Sofia | Simon | Calum | Aiden

So, as always I hope you enjoyed delving into the world of potions with me!


Read Ya Later,
