We did it again! *cue Brittney Spears*

So Destination Imgination happened again. Pretty much, the computers at the Regional Tournament broke, and they sent everyone to the Provincial Tournament. Good job 👍🏽

This meant we got time to improve our project from last time. For starters, we actually had our lines memorized. That was helpful, as last time we had a few group memebers looking at their iPads.

We didn’t awkwardly improvise! Last time we had a solid minute of us standing around and stuttering for words while Tyler encrypted the code. We improved, and added in a few more lines. We still wound up improvising, but there was less and Quinn made a joke about going on wiki-how to survive an apocalypse.

And the gadget. We improved that so much, it was wonderful. Last time, as you should remember, we had a chewbacca mug. Not the best, I’ll admit. But this time we used circuits to make a band. It ‘electrocuted’ me (no Rubys were harmed in the making of this performance).  We don’t have a video of it working, but it lit up when Tyler pressed a remote. It was really cool.

One thing we didn’t wind up improving was the animations. As we forgot to turn them on. I feel so stupid! It’s literally one of our team Choice Elements, and we didn’t turn it on!

Last time, we came in first against St George’s school. This time… well we came in first, but it should have been second.

We lost by one point.

Luckily, the magical people of DI decided to make us tie, so we got trophies and medals.

If I could change something for next year, I think I would switch challenges. I’m not that fond of science, so if I had the choice I would have preferred to do the Fine Arts or Improv, as those are more up my alley with acting.

Well, that’s all for this post

Read ya later
