Our latest unit in humanities has been all about World War One, the war to end all wars, even though World War Two happened. Besides that, before we can get into the history of the war, we need to talk about how it began.

Now, here’s my idea; the war started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

On June 28th, 1914, a man from Serbia shot and killed Ferdinand in Sarajevo. He went there on a trip, and there were multiple armed terrorists around him, waiting to take a shot. Some people actually did shoot at he car, but missed him and hit some of his men. The car later stopped right in front of one of the terrorists. He shot the Archduke and his wife, killing them both.

Austria-Hungary obviously wasn’t pleased with this, so they declared war in Serbia when they heard about the assassination, seeing it as a threat on the country. Russia was allied with Serbia, so Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary and Germany. Germany invaded France and Britain, and that’s how the war began.

We also had to create a visual showing this, so I decided to do a stop motion on the Domino Affect of how World War One started:

The video took me a while to make, because I had to draw each frame individually, then put it together and add text and music.

It also didn’t help that my first plan didn’t work out so I had to totally restart

Well Thats all for this post

Read Ya Later

Sincerely, Me