Bread puns? Why I haven’t seen those since...
I went back to COBS, Baby! Sorry, I’ll stop calling you baby, that’s got to make you uncomfortable. Anyways, I did another job shadow! And at COBS. Again!
Every year, grade tens have to do a job shadow of something they may want to do in the future. The unit started off by us having to think of a few careers we wanted to be in. Personally, becoming an actor has always been an interest of mine. But, seeing as I couldn’t just call up Tom Cruise and ask to job shadow him, I had to branch out. Then the weirdest thing came to my mind….
 Grade 8
We did an advertising unit. I enjoyed it… Why not just try job shadowing someone in marketing? So I asked my dad if he had any connections in marketing. Well, he’s the boss of COBS’s marketing team, so that would be a good place to start.

The day started at 7:30 am, when we went to pick up Willa (she was shadowing my dad all day). We drove down to the office, where we were a bit early. The first person I met with was Yvonne. Yvonne is in charge of all of the digital marketing. Any signage you see for COBS is all run by Yvonne. She also contacts people such as food blogs to help promote Cobs.

Next I talked to Jane. Jane’s job really interested me, because she’s a graphic designer. This means every single thing to help promote Cobs has been made by her:

She had a whole colour palette at her desk, to help her figure out colour schemes. When I was shadowing her, she was designing how to fit window art into a new store.

Next up: Brad. With Brad, I actually got to sit into a campaign meeting, talking about the logistics of the Breakfast Club campaign that they have. It went from everything from what outfits kids in the advertisements would wear to the adhesive on the stickers the donors would put up around the store. Seriously, so much talk about adhesive.

Afterwards, Brad talked to me about what Cobs’ goal is. Everything from good customer service, making sure that your store is the go to instead of other bakeries, and making good sales.

(It doesn’t show up well, but the text on Brad’s screen says “how do we win?” Truly iconic)

We went to lunch, which was good. Then I talked to Kelsey. Kelsey is in charge of all of Cobs’ social medias. This means Facebook, Twitter, instagram, possibly MySpace, and the blog. She told me a very weird fact: as long as you have the weather app on your phone, you can be tracked. But not just where you are: if you click on the Cobs bread website, from there your phone can tell which bakery you went into, how much you spent and how long you were in there. It’s freaky, really.

I went into a meeting where they talked about creating a mobile app. They had a prototype, which demonstrated how it would work like ‘Skip the Dishes’.

The final task: my dad and his co worker filming an educational video for franchisees. My father, mind you, had not read the script before hand. We were only there for half an hour, but apparently it took another hour after that.

(Note the professional green screen of green paper duct taped to the wall)

All in all, marketing sounds like an interesting job I’d like to be invested in! I really enjoyed shadowing, and I’ll definitely consider it  as an option in the future.

Read you later

Sincerely, Me