Blue Sky Projects. Pretty much, a project where you can do and make anything you want.

I was so excited to do this one. I had sticky notes all over my wall for ideas, and billions more in my head. Maybe something around Harry Potter? Maybe a stop motion? Maybe both! I was so pumped. And then…. The news came.

It had to be around a problem. My world crumbled. There went literally ALL OF MY IDEAS! I had to think of something completly new!


So I started to think of problems. I handed in my first one, which was about making a video about stereotypes. That was denied because it was a research project, not a design project. Denied

Then I decided to do a video explaining Tae Kwon Do. But that already existed. Denied.

Maybe a DIY SnapBack tutorial? Nope, not a big enough problem. Denied.

Come on, there has to be something. A video explaining how maybe some science fiction could be real? Making an iPad case? A quiz app? A new type of pop? NOTHING WORKED!

And then, it came to me. A nozzle to put on milk jugs to stop people drinking out of the carton. I was a genius! IT WAS FINALLY APPROVED!

But, here’s the downside. I had TWO WEEKS to pull it together! So, myself, being the procrastination queen, did the entire thing the night before. Okay, not the entire thing. But I made the video the night before.


That’s my project. It’s a nozzle made out of plastic and a bite valve [from a camel pac] which keeps milk fresh and you can drink out of the jug without getting a cup or being unhygienic. I really enjoyed doing this, and I look forward to next year, where we’ll be doing HARRY POTTER THEME


Well, that’s all folks!

Read ya later,
