
We’re halfway there! By there I mean done the metaphor machine.

Hold up. You’re probably wondering what a ‘metaphor machine’ is. Unless you’re one of my classmates, or Hughes or Willemes. In that case, hello. Glad you’re wasting your life reading my blog instead of doing work


Anyways! Metaphor Machines, I’m getting off track. Again….

Metaphor Machines are pretty much a giant machine, each part is a metaphor. Sort of like a mini metaphorical Rube Goldberg machine. Though it’s not metaphorical, just parts of it are literal metaphors…. I hope you get the point. If you don’t know what a Rube Goldberg machine because you are Patrick Star and you live under a rock, here’s a link.

So, why are we making a machine? What’s the purpose, how is this school related? So many questions. Please, sit down. Well, I assume you’re sitting/laying down to read this. Unless you’re in the streets. Pay attention to where you’re going, you’ll run into a child. Or a car. Or a bus.

Well, we have to make a machine about a revolution. As you know, we’ve been studying revolutions. Our class was divided into different groups, and we got to pick a revolution to study. Our group chose the Meiji Restoration. Pretty much it’s about emperor Meiji bringing imperial rule back to Japan

I had to. It had to happen

So, the Metaphor Machine. Let’s explain this better. So, we chose the Meiji Restoration. This means we have to create a large machine with each aspect being a metaphor.

Example: Japan formed an alliance with Britain. Our metaphor for that is a sushi roll dropping into a tea cup.

Yeah. To add onto it, it has to have a steampunk aethstetic, and one working circuit.

So, we are halfway done the project! It’s been really fun so far. I’ve helped created the timeline for it, which pretty much shows what happened when in the revolution, also what the steampunk part is going to look like and how each part of the machine works.

I steampunked a mug, which I am really proud of


Thats all spraypaint. Quite proud of that, if I do say so myself.

I will keep you all updated on the machine in the next post. Until then…

Read ya later
